Friday, January 11, 2008

7 Random things: Tag Your it!

So the Smarter Princess ( ) Tagged me for this 7 random facts thing (yay!):

The rules are:A) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
B) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
C) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs

Here I go: (it's pretty sad to think I had a really hard time with this...hmmm...)

1. I am absolutely ridiculous about lateness and being on time, in that I hate when people are late, and I love when people are on time or well , early because as they say “If you are on time you are already late”. However, only my boyfriend hears about it when he is late, however I do suspect my friends know…

2. I love spicy food!! I have a horrible sense of smell. I'm not sure if it is allergy related or what, but 2/3's of the year I cannot smell anything. Then like a few weeks a year it comes back and I can smell EVERYTHING and it is soooo STRONG...But since I can't smell anything, i love strong tasting food. Spicy Food is my favorite, Sour Candy, Stinky Cheese...basically the stronger the taste, the more I like it!

3. I remember elementary school like it was yesterday. I barely remember high school…and none of that is drug related. I was just super popular, cool and awesome until 7th grade until we all became gawky middle and high schoolers. Like, just to start off my awesomeness, I got married in Kindergarten. Like I had a full on wedding, I had to stealthily steal this white frilly dress I had (so my mom wouldn’t find out) and I had bridesmaids and everything, and my lunch aide married us in the middle of the hall during lunch time and I kissed the boy on the lips! I guess that was my first kiss!! HAHAH!! Never thought about it that way.

4. I spill everything. I cannot make it through the day without spilling something on myself. It is to the point where sometimes if I don’t do laundry I have to go to work with a coffee stain from like the week before and I just play it off like “Oh NO, look what happened this morning on my way to work”…Yah, I’ve done that.

5. I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years between the ages of 2-5. My parents favorite memory, was the time I was cast the role of baby Jesus in my pre-school Christmas play because I was the only white girl, and unbeknownst to everyone else, I was also the only Jew.

6. I have a stuffed Moose named Moosey, which I have had since I was born. He has antlers, and this big nose, and is awesome, and has been traveling all over the world with me, even to India (but I washed him after…J) and I also took him to college. When I need a hug Moosey gives the best hugs…he has always been my best boyfriend J

7. My boyfriend decided last night that he wants to quit his job, quit grad school and travel around the world in May. He has also decided I should too…While the best thing should probably be to convince him that he needs to stick things out for a while longer…I think I want to do it!! Let you know what happens!! I love spontaneous trips!!! I can't turn them down....

I am tagging:
-Emily over at Sea Legs
- Amanda's Tales (That's if she gets time)
- Because it's Better Out than In
- Jamie over at
- The True Tales of a Cafferine Addict at
- And Elisa over at

(Sorry Guys, not quite sure how you get them to be just the name wiht a link to it...)

So: I dont think I will have time for another post today but things are getting really crazy with the last comment above. I have wine meeting tonight with the GM of the CRAZY FANCY restaurant and lunch with the event planner...Let you know how that goes...but if I am quiting my job and traveling around the world then what...all this work? Is it for nothing?


Jamie Lovely said...

If my boyfriend wanted to sweep me away from life and travel around the world, I don't think I'd be able to say no!

emily said...

I laughed out loud about your #4. I have totally done that.

Also, I'm voting that you wait until like July or August to leave...then you can have fun with me for a couple of months before you travel the world!