Monday, January 7, 2008

When the Cat is Away, the Mice will Play

So...not sure where my office is this morning...just me and the other assistant...I know I saw mini-boss and psycho sid this morning but haven't seen them since 9:30 and they were supposed to be having their morning meeting...apparently not happening today...
Big Boss is out of town till Thursday!! YAY!! Well not exactly yay, because we like him, but, Makes things a whole lot easier when he is gone...meaning I dont do as much.
I spotted Psycho Sid headed to Starbucks around 9:30, but we know how psycho sid gets, anything she sees that perks her interest she goes after, whether it is a store with crazy little pictures in the front, or nice looking cheese that she wants, Psycho is easily distracted so she is not back and probably won't be back for a while. Mini-boss on the other hand, (he is more like Jack from Will and Grace, whereas big boss is more like Will (but he does have some Jack in him also, like when he was doing the backstroke on the floor on friday when Psycho Sid got him upgraded to first class for his trip) ) But I digress, mini-boss has the door to his office closed meaning one thing...he is asleep...yes, he is resting his eyes because he has not picked up his phone since he walked in this morning...oh mini-boss, those late nights are hard on you :)

OK, enough about the office!! More exciting things to speak of:

-Orientation for tutoring is tomorrow and one of my "new" friends is actually going with me! YAY! I dont have to go alone, it is always better to go with someone else. And not only that, she has already signed up to do it, so turns out we may even work out as friends since we like similiar things! Ok, though...she is another one of my downer moments when I joined, not that I ever went to any, but I joined just for a look see, and she sent me a hear that...SHE SENT ME THE MESSAGE!!! Asking if I wanted to go with her to a meet up (the answer was no..., please, I'm not that desperate...well only on a bad day) . I looked her up on facebook, other people know who she is so I am pretty sure not a psycho pretending to be a girl, so I am excited we will get to meet tomorrow for this tutoring program.

-Apparently my long lost friend, let's call her um...Freckles, and she is not really my long lost friend just feels that way, because there is a very long lost story regarding our friendship that has lasted forever, and she is basically my best friend who i only talk on the phone too because she lives in Cali and I live in DC and we never saw each other when i was living there because she went to Colorado for school...blah...blah blah....etc...She MIGHT (might being the operative word) come to DC this weekend for one night. Partial jump in the air, one arm up, and a slight woohoo....She'll get the rest of the excitement if she actually shows up...let's just say she is not known for following through with most plans that involve visiting me.... So that is semi-exciting!

-I found pants that fit, no need for altering, me struggling with needles and thread to hem my own pants and no belts involved!!! Thank you ANN TAYLOR!! Ann Taylor sells OOP Pants that actually aren't longer than my whole body!! I'm glad someone actually pays attention that most woman that wear OOP pants are not 5'10 but more like 5'2 like little teeny tiny me...So I bought 2 pairs, was not letting them get away from me since they were like a perfect fit and I feel sassy,chic, and cute today at work!! One pair is grey and pinstriped with small blue line, and the other is black pinstriped.

-The weather is amazing out today so my mood is way up. I am eating lunch outside today by the canal. yum and sunny!! Doesn't get much better.

So Keep you Updated about whether Freckles comes to town, and how my blind date goes with meetup friend, and we already know I look fabulous in my new pants :)

1 comment:

Pink Sun Drops said...

I like Express pants because they actually offer 'short'. Good luck with your meeting tomorrow!