1. I get nightmares, reoccurring dreams where I spend the whole night screaming in different scenarios (whether I am fighting with someone or scared I spend the whole night in my dream screaming), and I have chatter dreams where I stay up all night having these dreams where my inner monologue decides to walk out of my brain and stand in front of my bed and have a conversation with me all night.
Last night it was a chatting dream. Those are the ones I get when I go to bed tipsy and I am worried about being tired for work the next morning. Last night I spent the whole night, dreaming that I was at this concert on a hill, and I was there with friends, and we met these very very cute boys like hot boys and one of them liked me and he kept asking me to go out with him, and I kept saying no because I had a boyfriend, and that was how I spent the whole night, denying myself a hot sex dream with a godly looking man crush because I am so loyal to my boyfriend that not even in my sleep will I cheat on him... but I did steal one kiss or maybe two in the eight hours I was asleep, I wasn’t that good….
I get freakishly wierd nightmares, please find below some of my most recent nightmares:
1. I call this one “Dead Dogs” Because I am basically on a quest to save the world, of course, from this disease that I am immune to (I was also in another country when it hit, kinda “I AM Legend” But before "I am legend" came out, I promise) and find myself walking uphill along an avenue towards a castle, and every few mins, a see a dead dog lying on the ground, then another, then 2, then 3 and soon I am walking on dead dogs because they are covering the street, and then dead people start become mixed in with dead dogs…I think that is when I wake up…
2. I dreamt that Ten and his family and my family are staying at this cottage in the countryside somewhere. Another country takes over the United States by sending an airborne disease around the country, knocking out all the military and the president etc. and they go around rounding up people putting them in concentration camps (WW2 style). But since we were in the countryside away from the big cities we just know what is going on via radio and we all think we are safe, until 2 weeks into the occupation, they discover our hidden cottage in the countryside and round us up separating Ten and I. and then I wake Up.
- I used to dream that a man would stare at my roommates and I through the air conditioner vent in our rooms. Even though we don’t have air conditioner vents, we have radiators.
- One of my favorite nightmares are the paralysis ones. I just bought an eye mask for when I sleep with Ten and he stays up all night reading. Ten usually takes it off me when I fall asleep (usually to wear it himself because he thinks the street lamps are too bright), however I drove him to the airport one morning super early and came home and put it on to sleep. In my dream, I imagined that I was trying to wake up and discovered that I had been bound and gagged, totally paralyzed unable to move my arms or scream for help. So I am trying to scream, open my eyes, and trying to bang on the wall behind my head which is shared with my roommate to wake her up so she can come save me. I swear there is a man at the bottom of my bed watching over me till finally I wake myself up and pull off the mask with a rush of adrenaline and relief when I realize it was all just a dream.
- Another great one was the dream I had where a cobra had gotten loose in my room and I couldn’t get to my cell phone to call 911 and I swore it had gotten into my bed, and I woke up in a fit, threw all the blankets off my bed, jumped onto the floor and ran to the lights and turned them on all before I realizing that I had been sleeping and there probably wasn’t a cobra in my bed.
- My All Time Favorite reoccurring nightmare/dream:
On occasion, I have this dream that begins right as I am semi-conscious mood. I dream that I am walking down some stairs usually in a garden but sometimes just on the street and I will misstep and fall like a whole flight of stairs. Instead of actually falling, I have this whole body tremor thing where my whole body shakes, moving the bed about three inches in both directions, simultaneously, I bolt upright saying “I’m Falling!” and basically scaring the shit of Ten who is quietly reading next to me.
I have this weird tremor thing on occasion, so it is getting to the point where Ten is on edge the whole time he is reading waiting for the moment where I will convulse as if the Devil himself has, at that very moment, decided to jump into my body and reenact numerous scenes from the Exercist. It’s like once I close my eyes, he hears the Jaws music begins to play, ‘duh nu, duh nu, duh nu duh nu duhnuduhnu…..DAAA!” and sometimes Jaws appears and sometimes he does not.
So I was going to blog about other things but I some how started thinking about my dreams and decided to share a few of my faves.
Looks like the entrance to my brain at night :)

Anyone else have wierd dreams? or have that whole body tremor thing that scares the shit out of your partner?
Hahaha. This was hysterical! I wish I was your roomie just so I could experience watching some of this stuff.
I have the falling ones a lot. And I used to have conversations with my ex when I was half sleeping where I'd be coherent one minute and then be like "Oh shit watch out for the purple dinosaur" or something ridiculous the next.
I had a CRAZY dream last night. I was climbing on some wooden plank on a pier in Boston and then my grip loosened too much and I fell to the water. I vividly remember thinking, "oh, it's okay - it's just water!" but then the fall got exponentially longer and I was like, "OMG STRAIGHTEN OUT YOUR LEGS SO YOU DON'T BREAK THEM ON IMPACT!!"
and then I woke up. Oy.
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