Ok, as you all know I am still new at this whole blogging thing. At first I didnt understand the whole, I link your page, you link mine, I comment on your page you comment on mine...I am still trying to figure out the social rules to blogging which I really didnt even knew existed but apparently they do...SO STILL WORKING ON THEM.
but from what I can tell...
People don't like not knowing who is reading their page....ok, makes sense just assumed when I started my blog that rando peopel would be reading it but apparently that's called lurking (officially a lurker here but I didnt know!!)
I didnt get the whole comment on my page thing and if finally makes sense since I started getting my own comments...Comments leave a warm fuzzy feeling inside and I think "Someone wants to know about my life...! Yay!" That's why you are supposed to comment!! Tell that person whose blog you read everyday that you like their blog. So ladies and gentlemen:
Please take part and De-Lurk (or the true Santa Barbara in me says) De-Lurp yourself:

ps. At UCSB, in the greek system and it has slowly expanded outwards, we use the term : LURP, to properly explain: imagine yourself at a frat party (I know, it's awful but just do it, I'm pretty sure you have all been there at sometime or other in college) and some drunk guy comes over and is like "So, how you doing?" (in some awful Joey Tribianni voice ) and he ends up putting his arm around you and and not leaving you alone and wants your number and spends the whole night "Lurping" on you...get it...TO LURP....almost like Lurk but more, I dont know...Lurpy....maybe "slimy" would be a good synonym...
I love the warm fuzzy feeling from comments, but I have been known to lurk a lot. Or to feel weird writing a comment if I can't think of something amazingly witty to write!
Anyway, just so you know, I tagged you for a meme, but by no means are you obligated to do it.
You delurked on my site so I'm visiting you!
I'm going to add you to my feed reader :)
Well I'm more like a new reader, not a lurker but hi!!
Hey-lo!!! I am officially de-lurking ;)
Hope all is well
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