So as they say “Everything is Illuminated”!
My life makes sense to me finally. The endless time lines, scheduling, analness for being on time, my overwhelming sense that time is always against me makes sense for the first time in my life.
I have finally figured out why resolutions don’t work. They are too long term, I don’t switch gears well as my mom and dad say. I have this habit of endless righting To-Do lists with times to complete and everything, and I like to start a new list each day. If I don’t make lists I hardly ever get anything done.
And last night I crossed off a major thing off my list. I finished my application for this tutoring for children. I have always enjoyed community service but have not found much time to participate in the last few years. My boyfriend and I are considering the WorldTeach Organization (tutoring program for children in foreign countries) we wanted to do Peacecorp but decided 1. we weren’t that hardcore 2. they don’t take unmarried couples and we weren’t willing to get married to do Peacecorp (not yet anyways). So I decided I wanted to start tutoring kids from the DC inner-city schools and found a program I liked. I had been procrastinating doing it until the new year, but since it was on my list I finished it last night and start my training session next Tuesday!
I am so excited, I think this will be something I will really enjoy. Working with young kids is always so fun and rewarding, and hopefully it will give me an opportunity to meet some potential new friends (always looking for ways to do that in creepy, non-stalkery fashion).
I am on my way to be shiny nosed do-gooder!!
P.s. Britney keeps breaking my heart. It’s like her song “Hit Me Baby, One More Time” I keep offering her the benefit of the doubt, I make “gimme more” my ring tone as a sign of solidarity to show my support…but she keeps letting me down…oh Britney…what will we do with you?
I have to do that 15 minute thing with one of my kids to avoid meltdowns... hmm, interesting perspective on the long term aspect of it!!
I feel so sorry for Britney, but I know what you mean - how much more sympathy can we give her if she keeps screwing up?
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