Restaurant Review: Matchbox - 713 H St NW in Chinatown
I give it 4 Stars out of 5. (I would give it 5 but because I was drunk I don’t think that is fair to other restaurant reviews…we all know hunger + Alcohol is the best sauce J )
From the outside, this restaurant is reminiscent of Mary Poppin’s bag gone modern chic. At all hours of the evening, too many people than actually looks possible, can be seen walking in and out of the small front door. Ole Miss and I stopped by Il Fado, an irish pub located on 7th street around the corner, for a little happy hour fun before our dinner at Matchbox. We had two beers (being forced to chug our second beer, as we were late for our reservation and they wouldn’t seat the party until we were all there) so were slightly tipsy when we showed up, pushing our way through the sardine can door and the business casual happy hour bunchs that were swarming the bar. Turns out, the restaurant looks small from the inside but actually extends upwards with a funky invisible staircase (not sure if that is the correct architectural colloquial), they were the type of stairs that you could imagine your freak death as you plunged between two steps as they did not have a base (small people like me have to worry about that sort of stuff). There were 3 floors (or at least that is how many I counted) and the 6 of us were seated on the 2nd floor in a cozy booth. Slightly too small but we didn’t mind, we were all friends J.
One of my favorite things about Matchbox was the wine list…As I love wine, but don’t know that much about it, I loved the selection. There was bottles of wine us twentysomething professionals could afford as well as more expensive ones and even half bottles for us light weights. Ten ordered this great beer called Allagash White, that he is still raving about. The pizza was absolutely delicious!! I caution, Ole Miss and I were tipsy but we ordered the tomato, buffalo mozzarella pizza and could have gone to heaven. It was a little too much cheese for me but as I like no cheese pizza, that doesn’t say much, but it was great. The crust was absolutely perfect and it had that great fire cooked taste, as they cook their pizzas over a wood burning oven. Ole Miss and I were in such heaven we ate the whole pizza and then still wanted more. The one thing we didn’t get to try but will have to go back for is the slider’s. As I am not a meat eater most of the time, & I do my very best to avoid meat, you cannot understand how good the slider’s look. Matchbox is known for these little pieces of dead cow heaven. I saw awards all over the bathroom walls for their slider’s and was sad no one at the table ordered them so I could taste, which of course means until I actually have a bite, I will forever crave one.
So overall, I would give it 4 thumbs up! It was delicious and even the price was not too bad.
The rest of my weekend was nice, I babysat my parent’s puppy and took her to the dog park. The only other extraordinary thing that happened, was when Ten and I were almost killed by a stampede of 20 deer in Rock Creek Park. We had taken the puppy to Rock Creek to the Dog park. These people had given us awful looks for allowing our dogs off the leash, yah people, we are rebels…and they had taken off on this other path. All of us sudden a stampede of like 20 deer maybe more, came hurtling through the woods right through the path that the evil people had taken!! I cant imagine what it was like to be them!! It was scary enough being across the street. Of course the puppy took off after them, but after some strict yelling and the realization that she wouldn’t catch the deer and even if she caught them she wouldn’t know what to do then, she came back.
So that was a recap of my weekend. Check out Matchbox if you get a chance. It was delicious and I highly recommend it!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
P.S. I had another snake nightmare last night. This time I was in a cabin and there was this angry rattlesnake chasing a friend and me. I got out of the cabin and ran and found Ten in another cabin. I started screaming about the rattlesnake and he was like, “let me go see” and he went out and didn’t tell me that there was a cobra and rattlesnake in his cabin also, and I had woken them up with all my screaming and so I was left all alone with an angry cobra and rattlesnake in the rafters hissing and spitting at me. The cobra bit my hand and I woke up. Just thinking about it I get the creepers. Of course, it was 6:30 am, about 15 mins till my alarm was going to go off, and I had to complete my ritual of turning on the lights, checking my bed for loose cobras, relaxing myself and thinking of everything none-snake related but it just wasn’t possible so I just ended up just getting up…not much of a way to wake up in the morning…yuck…
From the outside, this restaurant is reminiscent of Mary Poppin’s bag gone modern chic. At all hours of the evening, too many people than actually looks possible, can be seen walking in and out of the small front door. Ole Miss and I stopped by Il Fado, an irish pub located on 7th street around the corner, for a little happy hour fun before our dinner at Matchbox. We had two beers (being forced to chug our second beer, as we were late for our reservation and they wouldn’t seat the party until we were all there) so were slightly tipsy when we showed up, pushing our way through the sardine can door and the business casual happy hour bunchs that were swarming the bar. Turns out, the restaurant looks small from the inside but actually extends upwards with a funky invisible staircase (not sure if that is the correct architectural colloquial), they were the type of stairs that you could imagine your freak death as you plunged between two steps as they did not have a base (small people like me have to worry about that sort of stuff). There were 3 floors (or at least that is how many I counted) and the 6 of us were seated on the 2nd floor in a cozy booth. Slightly too small but we didn’t mind, we were all friends J.
One of my favorite things about Matchbox was the wine list…As I love wine, but don’t know that much about it, I loved the selection. There was bottles of wine us twentysomething professionals could afford as well as more expensive ones and even half bottles for us light weights. Ten ordered this great beer called Allagash White, that he is still raving about. The pizza was absolutely delicious!! I caution, Ole Miss and I were tipsy but we ordered the tomato, buffalo mozzarella pizza and could have gone to heaven. It was a little too much cheese for me but as I like no cheese pizza, that doesn’t say much, but it was great. The crust was absolutely perfect and it had that great fire cooked taste, as they cook their pizzas over a wood burning oven. Ole Miss and I were in such heaven we ate the whole pizza and then still wanted more. The one thing we didn’t get to try but will have to go back for is the slider’s. As I am not a meat eater most of the time, & I do my very best to avoid meat, you cannot understand how good the slider’s look. Matchbox is known for these little pieces of dead cow heaven. I saw awards all over the bathroom walls for their slider’s and was sad no one at the table ordered them so I could taste, which of course means until I actually have a bite, I will forever crave one.
So overall, I would give it 4 thumbs up! It was delicious and even the price was not too bad.
The rest of my weekend was nice, I babysat my parent’s puppy and took her to the dog park. The only other extraordinary thing that happened, was when Ten and I were almost killed by a stampede of 20 deer in Rock Creek Park. We had taken the puppy to Rock Creek to the Dog park. These people had given us awful looks for allowing our dogs off the leash, yah people, we are rebels…and they had taken off on this other path. All of us sudden a stampede of like 20 deer maybe more, came hurtling through the woods right through the path that the evil people had taken!! I cant imagine what it was like to be them!! It was scary enough being across the street. Of course the puppy took off after them, but after some strict yelling and the realization that she wouldn’t catch the deer and even if she caught them she wouldn’t know what to do then, she came back.
So that was a recap of my weekend. Check out Matchbox if you get a chance. It was delicious and I highly recommend it!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
P.S. I had another snake nightmare last night. This time I was in a cabin and there was this angry rattlesnake chasing a friend and me. I got out of the cabin and ran and found Ten in another cabin. I started screaming about the rattlesnake and he was like, “let me go see” and he went out and didn’t tell me that there was a cobra and rattlesnake in his cabin also, and I had woken them up with all my screaming and so I was left all alone with an angry cobra and rattlesnake in the rafters hissing and spitting at me. The cobra bit my hand and I woke up. Just thinking about it I get the creepers. Of course, it was 6:30 am, about 15 mins till my alarm was going to go off, and I had to complete my ritual of turning on the lights, checking my bed for loose cobras, relaxing myself and thinking of everything none-snake related but it just wasn’t possible so I just ended up just getting up…not much of a way to wake up in the morning…yuck…
mmm. Matchbox sounds tasty!
i've heard great things about matchbox but i've never been...
fado's good but i prefer RFD which is right next door :)
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