Tuesday Tutoring! Last night was the second week. I shadowed another tutor. I shadowed the cutest first grade boy (unfortunately his tutor was not as cute as the boy was). Basically I just watched and kinda helped a little bit while we did homework and worked on basic addition and subtraction (not my strong point).
So memorable Blonde Feature Quote of the night: "4 x 4 = 24 , so I win"
Does anyone remember that game 24 from when we were younger. It may have been a DC PS thing but it basically is a card game that helps practice quick addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. So i put an example below. But the object of the game is come up with as many ways as possibly to make 24 using any sort of the above arthimatic. Well the card I had had a 4 and a 4 and a 2 and a 6. So I am showing Ole Miss (this is my friend who does tutoring with me) how to play and I pick up the card and I am like, " this was my worst nightmare as a kid. I could never do it right. "
Ole Miss: "How does it work?"
BF: "well, basically, you try and make 24, so 4 x 4 = 24, so I have one way.."
There was no calling me out or anything. Ole Miss just let that comment fade into the infamous BF quote hall of fame.
I walked away as i was assigned to a kid. I can only imagine Ole Miss' crying in her head for the poor kid I was about to try and teach math too...

Later that night, we had the boyfriends meet us at Jaleo for their first introduction (always very awkward because we all know boys just do things differently).
Jaleo's half pitcher red wine Sangria is amazing and for only 12 dollars you cant beat it!! Us girls got drunk and the boys awkwardly chatted with each of us instead of the group...um...typical boy introduction behavior...anyways...
Ole Miss asked for some more "Wed Wine" and I totally called her out on it. and she was like well i was going to let this go but nice "4 x 4 = 24 comment today..."
Some part of me had an inkling that I had gotten that wrong earlier and we both cracked up laughing!!! We had a lot of fun, us girls did anyways, and I am so excited for a possible girls trip to visit London in Miami!
Promise to keep you updated on any changes but if anyone can figure out a way for me to get someone to pay for me to travel around the world I promise to take you with me.
Will Write Funny Travel Articles for Plane Tickets to Hong Kong....

Ooooh.. I LOVE Jaleo! Did you go to the one in Crystal City?
Their sangria really is the shizzy nizzle.
Hahaha! typical blonde comment! And I make them allll the time
Jaleo + Sangria = <33333333333
Jaleo across from my office FTW!
I remember playing 24 in grade school all the time!
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