Thursday, December 6, 2007

Swimmer's Ear...or Psycho Sid

So I remember being a kid and spending all day in the swimming pool. When my mom finally dragged me out I always ended up with the worst swimmer's ear. I felt like I spent the rest of the day slightly disoriented because I one of my senses was off....

One of my bosses (famous for her chesire cat smoking a cigar laugh) I think has the above problem...Not the swimmer's ear but the disorientation....she is legally blind and cannot CANNOT see a thing, the whole office double checks every email, check report, name spellings etc because she is famous for ALWAYS making typos (which get me into trouble all the time i may add)....So I believe that since she can't see well it makes her a little well...Loopy....

Today's incident (not the only one, just one of them):

My assignment today has been to take all the 2006 files in our filing cabinet and put them in boxes and get them to the storage room...(not the easiest takes for 5'2, 98 lb me...) Then I have to move all the 2007 files into the filing cabinet where the 2006's were and then make all new files for 2008. So I have been running around the office all day, hauling boxes around the office, making labels, not only that the top shelf of the files are so tall that I have to be on a spare chair in the office to make all the files for Jan-March.

So i am standing on the chair, obviously sweaty and gross from all the work, and my boss comes in and is like have you checked your email. I look at her like "Does it look like I have checked my email?" and She says, "It would be fabbbbuuuullloous (as she says) if you would send this friend of mine an e-birthday card. Do you think you could search on the internet and get a GRRREEAAATTT funny, cute card and sign it from all of us in the office?..."

I just look at her as if "You've got to be kidding, can you tell I am busy...I am just balancing files on my arm for tips..." not only that, have you ever tried to find a decent, funny e-card on the net, it takes hours and basically it is not possible!

What can you really say to your can't say no to questions like the above, at the same time, BUY YOUR OWN DAMN BIRTHDAY CARD!!!! I swear if I ever make my assistant buy MY friends birthday cards, you can all stop deciding to be my friend. So that is how I will be spending the rest of my day...searching for a great e-card for my boss.
This is just one example of the craziness/disorientation of my female boss.

and I mean she is out of her mind sometimes...We shall refer to her in the future as "Psycho Sid."
Yay, I have figured out one name for one of my bosses!

HAPPY HANUKAH! Celebrations with the family will be tonight!

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