Thursday, January 31, 2008
Valentines Day Ideas...ah oh...
So I know Super Bowl is coming up but as I dont care much about what I am doing for it beyond spending it with Ten, my friends, watching the ads, and eating/making great food (and Ole Miss promised to teach me to play guitar hero, which I have heard amazing things about) I thought I might see what people's valentine's day plans are?
I had planned this great little trip to Ski Roundtop about 2 hours outside of DC. Apparently they have the most adult friendly Snow tubing hills (meaning fast :) ). I had assumed my mom would be back in town and I could borrow her car...well, after all my planning I guess they are right to say "assume- makes an ass out of u and me" because my mom won't be in town...of as I cant find an alternate way to get out there without paying a crazy amount in "under 25" rental car fees, we will have to go another time when a car is avaliable. Well, Ten suggested last night that he would think of something fun for valentines, maybe to most people that sounds normal, guy plans nice romantic surprise for valentines day, including wine, dinner and jewlery. that is not Ten. Ten is too relaxed, too casual, I feel like we never even went on real dates when we first started dating, don't get me wrong there was dinner involved but more activites which is how I prefer it. I prefer making memories over getting material items. I love romance as much as the next girl but in my opinion the most important thing is to do something memorable for both of us so we have stories to tell our kids (one day) and because it always just feels the most personal and romantic. Just Ten is not the best at doing these sorts of dates...this is my area.
However, almost always, not always, BUT ALMOST ALWAYS, I plan it. I am the event planner, the organizer, the anal time keeper. Maybe I am overly-obsessive control freak (which I am) I just always have better ideas..humph....But my plans fell through and in my moment of sadness over plans not being able to happen, i unwittlying agreed to let Ten plan something....oh no....i just hope it doesnt involve staying home watching football....
So I will let you all know what ends up happening and if I get any hints... so i can steer him away from any bad ideas....
What is everyone's plans for valentine's day? Single or Not Single.
V-day is not that bad. It is a day about love, not just for your significant other but for your friends and family!! If you are single spend it with your friends, or spend it with your family! Its a day to celebrate love, something we sometimes take advantage of.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Restaurant Review- Matchbox

From the outside, this restaurant is reminiscent of Mary Poppin’s bag gone modern chic. At all hours of the evening, too many people than actually looks possible, can be seen walking in and out of the small front door. Ole Miss and I stopped by Il Fado, an irish pub located on 7th street around the corner, for a little happy hour fun before our dinner at Matchbox. We had two beers (being forced to chug our second beer, as we were late for our reservation and they wouldn’t seat the party until we were all there) so were slightly tipsy when we showed up, pushing our way through the sardine can door and the business casual happy hour bunchs that were swarming the bar. Turns out, the restaurant looks small from the inside but actually extends upwards with a funky invisible staircase (not sure if that is the correct architectural colloquial), they were the type of stairs that you could imagine your freak death as you plunged between two steps as they did not have a base (small people like me have to worry about that sort of stuff). There were 3 floors (or at least that is how many I counted) and the 6 of us were seated on the 2nd floor in a cozy booth. Slightly too small but we didn’t mind, we were all friends J.
One of my favorite things about Matchbox was the wine list…As I love wine, but don’t know that much about it, I loved the selection. There was bottles of wine us twentysomething professionals could afford as well as more expensive ones and even half bottles for us light weights. Ten ordered this great beer called Allagash White, that he is still raving about. The pizza was absolutely delicious!! I caution, Ole Miss and I were tipsy but we ordered the tomato, buffalo mozzarella pizza and could have gone to heaven. It was a little too much cheese for me but as I like no cheese pizza, that doesn’t say much, but it was great. The crust was absolutely perfect and it had that great fire cooked taste, as they cook their pizzas over a wood burning oven. Ole Miss and I were in such heaven we ate the whole pizza and then still wanted more. The one thing we didn’t get to try but will have to go back for is the slider’s. As I am not a meat eater most of the time, & I do my very best to avoid meat, you cannot understand how good the slider’s look. Matchbox is known for these little pieces of dead cow heaven. I saw awards all over the bathroom walls for their slider’s and was sad no one at the table ordered them so I could taste, which of course means until I actually have a bite, I will forever crave one.
So overall, I would give it 4 thumbs up! It was delicious and even the price was not too bad.
The rest of my weekend was nice, I babysat my parent’s puppy and took her to the dog park. The only other extraordinary thing that happened, was when Ten and I were almost killed by a stampede of 20 deer in Rock Creek Park. We had taken the puppy to Rock Creek to the Dog park. These people had given us awful looks for allowing our dogs off the leash, yah people, we are rebels…and they had taken off on this other path. All of us sudden a stampede of like 20 deer maybe more, came hurtling through the woods right through the path that the evil people had taken!! I cant imagine what it was like to be them!! It was scary enough being across the street. Of course the puppy took off after them, but after some strict yelling and the realization that she wouldn’t catch the deer and even if she caught them she wouldn’t know what to do then, she came back.
So that was a recap of my weekend. Check out Matchbox if you get a chance. It was delicious and I highly recommend it!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
P.S. I had another snake nightmare last night. This time I was in a cabin and there was this angry rattlesnake chasing a friend and me. I got out of the cabin and ran and found Ten in another cabin. I started screaming about the rattlesnake and he was like, “let me go see” and he went out and didn’t tell me that there was a cobra and rattlesnake in his cabin also, and I had woken them up with all my screaming and so I was left all alone with an angry cobra and rattlesnake in the rafters hissing and spitting at me. The cobra bit my hand and I woke up. Just thinking about it I get the creepers. Of course, it was 6:30 am, about 15 mins till my alarm was going to go off, and I had to complete my ritual of turning on the lights, checking my bed for loose cobras, relaxing myself and thinking of everything none-snake related but it just wasn’t possible so I just ended up just getting up…not much of a way to wake up in the morning…yuck…
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Knuckle Head/Bird Brain - Take your Pick
So the most annoying woman works in the accounting office at work. In my bosses words, “Knuckle Head” and “Bat Brain” accurately describe her in a nice way….Well she annoys the shit out of me, because she can’t figure life out basically, and her job, so I always end up having to do it for her, even though she is not even in my department. Last week, she flies into my office like a “bat out of hell” and is like, “You can’t lock your office tonight I need the pencil sharpener!” I have this look, that I just cant control, where if I am annoyed or think you are saying something stupid you will see it on my face and I basically pause and wait till the other person realizes what they just said sounded so stupid that they don’t even deserve a response. So I am giving “Worm Brain” this look, and finally of course the look goes over her head, and I say “I am not leaving our offices unlocked so you can use a pencil sharpener. How about you take the pencil sharpener out of the office and put it in your office for the night?” She looks at me as if I spoke jibberish…So I take the pencil sharpener, unplug it and bring it to her office, putting it on the table next to her desk and tell her it is there if she needs it.
So one week later, again flying like she is actually doing something besides wandering around lost in the office (which is the more likely story), “where is the pencil sharpener?!” I calmly tell her, “Rememeber I put it in your office. I assume it is still there…”
She storms out as if she was upset I didn’t magically produce a sharpener out of my ass and plug it into my head and sharpen her pencil with my ear.
She comes back and I ask her, “Did you find it?” Her reply, “It wasn’t plugged in…" then more gibberish that I don’t understand…some grumbling…" But I guess I can plug it in myself. Ugh!”
Yes, Batty! Plug in that god damn Sharpener yourself, if you can’t even figure that out then you are in the wrong profession. I don’t even want to go into the Stamp Machine Incident, where I thought she was going to start crying when I insisted she put it in her office since I was sick of being commanded to refill it for her since it was next to my desk and I don’t use the damn stamp machine…needless to say…I refill it…but I always wait till it runs out and wait for her to ask me to do it, and then she cant mail the stuff she wants to because I tell her I am busy and will have to do it later… HA, so there…
I really am a spiteful bitch! I promise :)
Great Shoes but still bad mood

These, My new Circa Joan & David Riding Boots (they are water resistant also!! Yay, I finally have a weapon against the rain and snow! and they aren't those ugly rain boots!)
Things are still in constant shift in my life. I don’t know what I am doing yet and as soon as I know I promise to update.
Instead today I thought in anticipation of Valentine’s day, I will make a most-listen to mix for Singles/Heartbreak that got me through every day that Ten and I weren’t together. And then as Valentine’s day approachs I will do a happy version for Happy Couples.
The reason I thought I would do the Singles/Heartbreak is I heard the best/funniest song the other day called:
“Not Big” by Lily Allen
Favorite Lyrics:
“Yeah, you really must think you're great,Let's see how you feel in a couple of weeks,When I work my way through your mates
Yeah, let's rewind, let's turn back time to when you couldn't get it up,You know what it should've ended there,That's when I should've shown you the door.As if that weren't enough to deal with,You became premature.
You're not big, you're not clever,”
Other Great break up songs:
The Fall Out Boy CD: From Under the Cork Tree, almost all of those are great, here are my favorites:
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
So wear me like a locket around your throatI'll weigh you downI'll watch you chokeYou look so good in blueYou look so good in blue
7 minutes in Heaven
Fav Lyrics:
I'm sleeping my way out of this oneWith anyone who will lie downI'll be stuck fixated on one starWhen the world is crashing downI’m sitting out dances on the wallTrying to forget everything that isn't youI'm not going home aloneCause I don't do too well on my own
Title: XO
Last time, I hoped you chokedAnd crashed your car Hey, tear catcher, that's all that you are And ever were From the start I swear, I say
Panic At The Disco- A Fever You Cant Sweat Out Is a great CD
This is my Favorite but you should definitely check out that CD:
Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Lyrics: Is it still me that makes you sweat?Am I who you think about in bed?When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dressThen think of what you didAnd how I hope to God he was worth itWhen the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skinI've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuckThan any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Other Great Fall Out Boy Songs
Title: Love Will Tear us Apart
Why is the bedroom so coldturned away on your side?Is my timing that flawed?our respect run so dry..Yet there's still this appealthat we've kept through our livesLove, love will tear us apart again [x4]
Switchblades and Infidelity
Walking out on the show is walking out on youAnd walking out on you still the best thing that I ever did.Well, I'm looking out at you obscured by the stand up arcadeAnd the sound of the descendant’s.Your smile reminds me of switchblades and infidelity.
Pros and Cons of Breathing
Whoa, I want to hate you half as much as I hate myselfYou know that I could crush you with my voiceStood on my roof and tried to see you forgetting about meHide the details, I don’t want to know a thingI hate the way you say my name like it’s something secretMy pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on
Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today
Lyrics: (Particularly gruesome)
Let's play this game called "When You Catch Fire"I wouldn't piss to put you outStop burning bridges and driving off of themSo I can forget about you
So bury me in memory his smile's your ropeSo wrap it tight around your throatOn the drive homeJoke about the kid you used to see, and his jealousyBreaking hearts has never looked so coolAnd when you wrap your car around a treeYour makeup looks so great next to his teeth
Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here)
Every friend we ever had in commonI will sever the tie, sever the tie with youYou can thank your lucky starsThat everything I wish for will never come trueWhen you go I will forget everything about you (I-I've seen sinking ships go down with more grace than you)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
First Lesson I learned on my trip: NEVER EVER TAKE CHINATOWN BUS!
By all means, take Vamoose, book Grey Hound for the same price online, or splurge and take Acela…it is never ever worth the agony and pain for $15 less.
Ten and I met at Starbucks in Chinatown. As usual, I was a stress ball (my nickname from Freckles and Ten), anxiously staring at my watch as we only had 40 mins to make it to the bus (the bus was located 2 blocks away and in my mind, after my many travels in foreign countries, I have learned that you are never “safe” until you are actually on the bus.) We bought our snacks and water and after a horribly scaring incident in the Starbucks bathroom where I was unable to actually pee do to said experience and a uncharacteristically pleasant incident using the Chinatown bus bathroom which in comparison to Starbucks was spotless) we were bladder-emptied, safely seated on the bus without a hitch.
5:30 pm- Chinatown bus leaves on time. (WHAT! I know…) So we were off to a great start, till 10 mins later we found ourselves in nose to tail traffic. We crawled away for the next 2 hours, Ten listening to music and getting a call from his boss about possible full time position (as his current position is technically “Intern”), and I was reading my newly purchased “Glamour” and at the exact same time as Ten got his call, I got a call from a Hotel in West Hollywood (which is another story). 2 Hours and 15 mins later: I notice the front of the bus starts turning around with eyes wide open in horror, surprise, shock and other emotions that apparently are felt when a person sees massive plumes of smoke coming out the back of the bus. Yes, Massive Black Plumes of Smoke.
7: 45 pm: We pulled off of into a deserted parking lot off of Exit 87. Our bus was dead...
This was the dead time, we were all questioning, wondering what was happening, reviewing the situation, checking out exactly how stranded we were (3 miles to nearest gas station)...
9:15 pm: At this point, there was still no helpful information coming from the driver, the passengers began to actually make friends with their neighbors, GASP! Some great questions coming from the peanut gallery included, “So how long do you think we will be sitting here? Do you expect another bus is coming? Has this happened to you before? Do you think we will be forced to start a Bus Gang and mug passersby for food and water for the rest of our lives?” (true real life question)
The hunger and thirst began to overcome us, and rather than reenact the Donner Party, someone had the great idea to figure out that we were stranded off Exit 85 and the closest Pizza Hut was at this number. Immediately, everyone was on their cell phones, phone calls sounding like, “Hi, I am with that stranded bus group off exit 85, I’d like to place an order for delivery.”
10:00 pm: 2 hours and 15 mins from smoke billowing incident, the 7:30 chinatown bus showed up next to us. Most of us where ecstatic! Another bus has come!! But of course, it was an almost full bus that only allowed the first 10 people on. As Ten and I were not the first ten people on the bus and did not feel like stampeding the passengers in front of us, we watched with sadness as our bus emptied slightly and the 7:30 went on to the Big Apple without us. Luckily the melancholy mood on the bus did not last that long, because unlike the Titanic, the lack of space on the 730 bus did not mean death, and the pizza showed up as the 730 bus was departing! YAY!
The gnawing in our bellies was finally satiated as a slightly confused pizza delivery woman came onto the bus to provide us with 8 pizzas, lots of water and sodas (to note: Chinatown bus did not pay for any of this).
Highlight of the evening was the girl sitting behind me, realizing that she would not be making it to the big apple in time for the party she was attending pulled out 2 bottles of Kettle One and proceeded to pass it around the bus!! PARTY on the stranded Chinatown bus!!
After the pizza and vodka was finished we settled in for a movie. Good old Chinatown bus driver (still not providing us any information, ominously put a movie on, we hoped it wasn’t a sign of exactly how long he was expecting us to stay) and unfortunately for us, 15 mins into the movie, the bus battery died…as the lights dimmed, the heat slowly dissipated, we wondered if maybe our bus was fated to end like poor Lyuba (the 40, 000 year old Baby mammoth found perfectly in-tact after being frozen in Russia).
But luckily for us only 45 mins later at
11:00 pm: Our recovery bus arrived. We pryed our frozen hands from our neighbors that we had huddled close to for warmth and we made it onto the bus. The entire bus (luckily not the driver) fell directly asleep. I awoke around 1:45 am as the bus was careening into New York City. I assume the bus was going at 80 miles an hour through the Lincoln Tunnel, I grabbed onto Ten's hands for dear life as each bump in the road caused the bus to catch air and land and continue on a death hurtle towards the Big Apple. But to our delights, the bus did not crash into the big apple, it stumbled its way to Penn Station, where the nightmare was almost over.
Instead of trekking to 110th St. to Cambouri’s house we stayed with Ten’s friend who lived nearby in the Village. 3:00 AM finally came and we found ourselves being offered reclining chairs to rest our heads….hmm…had I not been so tired I would have protested but beggars can’t be choosers. We awoke the next morning with cricks in our necks and a very tired disposition, which took 2 cups of coffee to begin to cure. And a long subway ride for me to get very very lost on which definitely woke me up.
My recommendation number 1:
YUCA BAR in the Village was amazing. The best brunch for only 12.95 it included mimosa (bloody mary or screwdriver) and coffee and tea and the most delicious Huevos Rancheros.
I met my long lost friend from Arizona (we will call her LT), and Cambouri for this fabulous brunch. LT and Cambouri had their eggs scrambled while I got mine over-easy. They came on top of a black-bean quesadilla with guacamole, green huevos rancheros sauce, salsa and sour cream. AMAZING!!
We spent 2 hours catching up on life, men, and jobs (The 3 necessities) and laughing (possibly due to the mimosa & my sleep deprivation, and possibly due to my pleasure to see both LT and Cambouri).
After brunch, Cambouri and I gallivanted across the city, seeing different sights, and hanging out. We bought some accessories for the night and of course the “shorty” bottle of Grey Goose to drink while we got ready. After spending some re-cooping time on Cambouri’s couch I made a mistake, I did not have the 3rd cup of coffee I would need to stay up for the rest of the evening…
Lesson 2: Always drink a cup of coffee before you go out! Especially if you are sleep deprived already!
After taking the subway ride into the city for the 4th time in one day, we ended up at another one of
Blonde Features Recommendations for NYC on a budget:
Cooper 35 – Asia Pub. This restaurant was located in the East Village on Cooper street.
The $4 dollar drink menu was amazing ( we drank Sea Breezes all night out of large glasses with Bobo Tea type straws) and nothing was over $7 dollars and most was like 5 or 6 and they all came with individual portions of rice. It was amazing! The bill was insanely cheap for the 12 people who came to dinner.
After the chaos of dining with 12 people, we made our way by Cabs to Lucky Jacks, A bar in the East Village. Um, I wouldn’t exactly put it on my list as it was crowded, too hot in the basement area where we were, I was also so tired that Ten was leaning me up against a wall for most of the night, as my eyes drooped lower and lower. Finally, after my insistence that I was fine, I wasn’t tired, and I would no way want to sleep on the reclining chairs again…I was magically placed in a cab (I think I had fallen asleep) and whisked away to the reclining chair of my choice. I ate a little bit of pizza from Joe's which as I remember was very good and slowly drifted to sleep in a reclining chair that decided to not recline that night. I awoke at 6 am with a tummy ache, another crick in my neck and the thought that I would rather wake up, and go get on the train to Poughkeepsie (our next stop to visit my parents) and sleep on the train then spend any more time in this hell. However, I managed to fall back asleep.
My alarm went off at 10am and after much coxing & swearing that I was a fool for making plans so early, (mostly coming from Ten), I got him out of his reclining chair, packed up and headed on our way to our last stop, Poughkeepsie.
My parents just moved to Poughkeepsie which is a small town in upstate NY about 2 hours by train. We hung out with my parents, Ten and my dad watched the football game, we went to a great dinner (the Culinary Institute is located there) and finally got my mom, the dog, Ten and I out of Poughkeepsie and onto home.
So that was my weekend trip to NYC.
I blame the Chinatown bus for ruining my weekend due to lack of sleep I did not get to stay out as late as I planned celebrating with Cambouri and friends. But there will always be a next time and I know better now than to trust my weekend with Chinatown Bus and I hope this is a warning for a future commuters!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Nightmares or scary movie scripts trying to claw their way out of my brain?
1. I get nightmares, reoccurring dreams where I spend the whole night screaming in different scenarios (whether I am fighting with someone or scared I spend the whole night in my dream screaming), and I have chatter dreams where I stay up all night having these dreams where my inner monologue decides to walk out of my brain and stand in front of my bed and have a conversation with me all night.
Last night it was a chatting dream. Those are the ones I get when I go to bed tipsy and I am worried about being tired for work the next morning. Last night I spent the whole night, dreaming that I was at this concert on a hill, and I was there with friends, and we met these very very cute boys like hot boys and one of them liked me and he kept asking me to go out with him, and I kept saying no because I had a boyfriend, and that was how I spent the whole night, denying myself a hot sex dream with a godly looking man crush because I am so loyal to my boyfriend that not even in my sleep will I cheat on him... but I did steal one kiss or maybe two in the eight hours I was asleep, I wasn’t that good….
I get freakishly wierd nightmares, please find below some of my most recent nightmares:
1. I call this one “Dead Dogs” Because I am basically on a quest to save the world, of course, from this disease that I am immune to (I was also in another country when it hit, kinda “I AM Legend” But before "I am legend" came out, I promise) and find myself walking uphill along an avenue towards a castle, and every few mins, a see a dead dog lying on the ground, then another, then 2, then 3 and soon I am walking on dead dogs because they are covering the street, and then dead people start become mixed in with dead dogs…I think that is when I wake up…
2. I dreamt that Ten and his family and my family are staying at this cottage in the countryside somewhere. Another country takes over the United States by sending an airborne disease around the country, knocking out all the military and the president etc. and they go around rounding up people putting them in concentration camps (WW2 style). But since we were in the countryside away from the big cities we just know what is going on via radio and we all think we are safe, until 2 weeks into the occupation, they discover our hidden cottage in the countryside and round us up separating Ten and I. and then I wake Up.
- I used to dream that a man would stare at my roommates and I through the air conditioner vent in our rooms. Even though we don’t have air conditioner vents, we have radiators.
- One of my favorite nightmares are the paralysis ones. I just bought an eye mask for when I sleep with Ten and he stays up all night reading. Ten usually takes it off me when I fall asleep (usually to wear it himself because he thinks the street lamps are too bright), however I drove him to the airport one morning super early and came home and put it on to sleep. In my dream, I imagined that I was trying to wake up and discovered that I had been bound and gagged, totally paralyzed unable to move my arms or scream for help. So I am trying to scream, open my eyes, and trying to bang on the wall behind my head which is shared with my roommate to wake her up so she can come save me. I swear there is a man at the bottom of my bed watching over me till finally I wake myself up and pull off the mask with a rush of adrenaline and relief when I realize it was all just a dream.
- Another great one was the dream I had where a cobra had gotten loose in my room and I couldn’t get to my cell phone to call 911 and I swore it had gotten into my bed, and I woke up in a fit, threw all the blankets off my bed, jumped onto the floor and ran to the lights and turned them on all before I realizing that I had been sleeping and there probably wasn’t a cobra in my bed.
- My All Time Favorite reoccurring nightmare/dream:
On occasion, I have this dream that begins right as I am semi-conscious mood. I dream that I am walking down some stairs usually in a garden but sometimes just on the street and I will misstep and fall like a whole flight of stairs. Instead of actually falling, I have this whole body tremor thing where my whole body shakes, moving the bed about three inches in both directions, simultaneously, I bolt upright saying “I’m Falling!” and basically scaring the shit of Ten who is quietly reading next to me.
I have this weird tremor thing on occasion, so it is getting to the point where Ten is on edge the whole time he is reading waiting for the moment where I will convulse as if the Devil himself has, at that very moment, decided to jump into my body and reenact numerous scenes from the Exercist. It’s like once I close my eyes, he hears the Jaws music begins to play, ‘duh nu, duh nu, duh nu duh nu duhnuduhnu…..DAAA!” and sometimes Jaws appears and sometimes he does not.
So I was going to blog about other things but I some how started thinking about my dreams and decided to share a few of my faves.

Anyone else have wierd dreams? or have that whole body tremor thing that scares the shit out of your partner?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I am a Jean Shopping Goddess
One thing that I did not put on the 7 random things about me that should have been number one is :
I have a Jean Obsession. Not just any type of Jean, but let me tell you about my favorite friends in order of my personal preferences and the amount current sitting in my jean drawer that has had to expand to a jean chest and a summer/cropped jean box hiding till summer comes back:
1. Paige Denim (1 pair, my current nighttime favorite)
2. Rock and Republics (2 pairs, my old nighttime favorite, must be altered as I have lost weight, again! and a cropped pair for summer fun)
3. Citizens of Humanity (1 Pair, my NEWEST FABULOUS PURCHASE THANKS TO CUSP!)
3. J Brand Jeans (1 Pair, my white pair because you can't go all summer without white jeans)
3. Adriano Goldschmid (AG Jeans) (2 Pairs, 1 Current daytime favorite, 1 Old daytime fav)
6. Joes Jeans (3 pairs, Old day and night fav's, again must be altered due to weight loss issue)
7. Sevens (2 pairs, trusty day pair and corduroy because sometimes you want that crunchy look and still be fabulous)
8. Lucky's (not really designer but i still like them) , ( 2 pairs, My boyfriend style jeans that I do love for hikes in the woods and daytime wear only)
(I have others but as they are not designer they are solely for laundry day).
So on that note: I Must speak to my new Citizens and my friend Richard at the Cusp retailer near me:
Thank you, Thank you my dear Cusp store (convienently located next door) for the sale that brought my new Arrowhead citizens to me. They will be accompanying me to New York where they will be making my already fabulous bottom (have I mentioned my favorite assest is my ASS! which may explain the jean obsession) look hot and chic at any East Village Club I may be attending Saturday evening. Please see below for pictures of new fabulous pair that I must say at the low low price of $75 I would suggest you run, not walk, to your nearest Cusp store or check out for some of the amazing jean sales that are currently going on at online retailers near you.
I will also be at your service for any jean questions you may have. I can tell you about all of the above Jean brands, including my knowledge that:
1. Jeans made of %100 cotton will stretch out (Sevens unfortunatly has such problems)
2. Jeans made with 98% cotton and 2% elastin hold their shape much more efficiently (take Paige denim, and AG jeans, and my newest pair of citizens)
3. 1% elastin does hold shape well but can lead to saggy butt syndrom so if possible please wash after every 2 wearings (please include J Brand Jeans, Rock and Republics, and Lucky's in that category).
4. I can tell you that Paige denim is the best jeans for say, larger girls, I did not say Fat, I am saying larger which is not bad, some girls are not size 24 and have to have every jean altered, but they will do your slightly larger ass look say "juicy" vs. "saggy".
5. For smaller, petite girls Please check out: Frankie B Jeans (watch for plumber butt syndrome as those are dangerously low, and as I have enough to worry about I stay away usually), as well as J brand, and AG jeans which all fit me quite fabulously.
So those are my hints to start you all on your Jean Quest. Good Luck and I wish you Good Sales!
Oh there was this really cute pair of Taverniti Jeans but as I am new to the brand and am poor I only bought one...another day another pair of jeans.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
4 x4 = 24 so we win right?
Tuesday Tutoring! Last night was the second week. I shadowed another tutor. I shadowed the cutest first grade boy (unfortunately his tutor was not as cute as the boy was). Basically I just watched and kinda helped a little bit while we did homework and worked on basic addition and subtraction (not my strong point).
So memorable Blonde Feature Quote of the night: "4 x 4 = 24 , so I win"
Does anyone remember that game 24 from when we were younger. It may have been a DC PS thing but it basically is a card game that helps practice quick addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. So i put an example below. But the object of the game is come up with as many ways as possibly to make 24 using any sort of the above arthimatic. Well the card I had had a 4 and a 4 and a 2 and a 6. So I am showing Ole Miss (this is my friend who does tutoring with me) how to play and I pick up the card and I am like, " this was my worst nightmare as a kid. I could never do it right. "
Ole Miss: "How does it work?"
BF: "well, basically, you try and make 24, so 4 x 4 = 24, so I have one way.."
There was no calling me out or anything. Ole Miss just let that comment fade into the infamous BF quote hall of fame.
I walked away as i was assigned to a kid. I can only imagine Ole Miss' crying in her head for the poor kid I was about to try and teach math too...

Later that night, we had the boyfriends meet us at Jaleo for their first introduction (always very awkward because we all know boys just do things differently).
Jaleo's half pitcher red wine Sangria is amazing and for only 12 dollars you cant beat it!! Us girls got drunk and the boys awkwardly chatted with each of us instead of the boy introduction behavior...anyways...
Ole Miss asked for some more "Wed Wine" and I totally called her out on it. and she was like well i was going to let this go but nice "4 x 4 = 24 comment today..."
Some part of me had an inkling that I had gotten that wrong earlier and we both cracked up laughing!!! We had a lot of fun, us girls did anyways, and I am so excited for a possible girls trip to visit London in Miami!
Promise to keep you updated on any changes but if anyone can figure out a way for me to get someone to pay for me to travel around the world I promise to take you with me.
Will Write Funny Travel Articles for Plane Tickets to Hong Kong....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Dear "Love Doctors":
When Ten and I first moved to DC from California we lived at my parents house.
I am sick to death of people thinking I am weird for being ok with the fact that Ten does not want to get married till he is 26. What is so wrong with living in the same building and not actually living together? Why did my relationship decidedly move backwards when we didn’t move in together after we lived together (IN MY PARENTS HOUSE, may I remind you)?
The question I am posing to you all is, at 23 is there really such a rush to nail down that ring and notarized paper that says, what little money Ten and I have must be shared? Would it be so wrong if we took jobs in different cities because it just might be better for the individual or am I required to constantly think about my boyfriend or be scrutinized by others as my relationship might be failing?
To all you worried folks out there about my relationship with Ten…Please do not worry. Ten and I could not be more perfect if Romeo and Juliet actually lived at the end. Ten and I are more in love than we have ever been before, more in sync, and just infatuated with each other. We discuss marriage, we both want to, but we want to do it on our terms. Please stop making me feel like I must push for that ring. I don’t need that ring, I just need Ten right now.
Ten and I might have to make a hard decision which may involve long distance. My friend Freckles said to that, “why would you do long distance, why don't you move with him. Don’t you want to be with him?”
My answer to her and all other inquiring voices is, sometimes it is not always about him, sometimes it’s about me and at 23 that is ok!
Thank you for listening to my rant. I hope we all learned something. Please don’t judge a relationship that you are not in. I know I do that too (and frequently) but Ten and I are ok. We are better for not living together (he has not killed me for the mess that I call my room) and I don’t kill him for staying up all night reading (and by all night I mean past 10:30).

Monday, January 14, 2008
Whats your favorite?

Friday, January 11, 2008
7 Random things: Tag Your it!
The rules are:A) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
B) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
C) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs
Here I go: (it's pretty sad to think I had a really hard time with this...hmmm...)
1. I am absolutely ridiculous about lateness and being on time, in that I hate when people are late, and I love when people are on time or well , early because as they say “If you are on time you are already late”. However, only my boyfriend hears about it when he is late, however I do suspect my friends know…
2. I love spicy food!! I have a horrible sense of smell. I'm not sure if it is allergy related or what, but 2/3's of the year I cannot smell anything. Then like a few weeks a year it comes back and I can smell EVERYTHING and it is soooo STRONG...But since I can't smell anything, i love strong tasting food. Spicy Food is my favorite, Sour Candy, Stinky Cheese...basically the stronger the taste, the more I like it!
3. I remember elementary school like it was yesterday. I barely remember high school…and none of that is drug related. I was just super popular, cool and awesome until 7th grade until we all became gawky middle and high schoolers. Like, just to start off my awesomeness, I got married in Kindergarten. Like I had a full on wedding, I had to stealthily steal this white frilly dress I had (so my mom wouldn’t find out) and I had bridesmaids and everything, and my lunch aide married us in the middle of the hall during lunch time and I kissed the boy on the lips! I guess that was my first kiss!! HAHAH!! Never thought about it that way.
4. I spill everything. I cannot make it through the day without spilling something on myself. It is to the point where sometimes if I don’t do laundry I have to go to work with a coffee stain from like the week before and I just play it off like “Oh NO, look what happened this morning on my way to work”…Yah, I’ve done that.
5. I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years between the ages of 2-5. My parents favorite memory, was the time I was cast the role of baby Jesus in my pre-school Christmas play because I was the only white girl, and unbeknownst to everyone else, I was also the only Jew.
6. I have a stuffed Moose named Moosey, which I have had since I was born. He has antlers, and this big nose, and is awesome, and has been traveling all over the world with me, even to India (but I washed him after…J) and I also took him to college. When I need a hug Moosey gives the best hugs…he has always been my best boyfriend J
7. My boyfriend decided last night that he wants to quit his job, quit grad school and travel around the world in May. He has also decided I should too…While the best thing should probably be to convince him that he needs to stick things out for a while longer…I think I want to do it!! Let you know what happens!! I love spontaneous trips!!! I can't turn them down....
I am tagging:
-Emily over at Sea Legs
- Amanda's Tales (That's if she gets time)
- Because it's Better Out than In
- Jamie over at
- The True Tales of a Cafferine Addict at
- And Elisa over at
(Sorry Guys, not quite sure how you get them to be just the name wiht a link to it...)
So: I dont think I will have time for another post today but things are getting really crazy with the last comment above. I have wine meeting tonight with the GM of the CRAZY FANCY restaurant and lunch with the event planner...Let you know how that goes...but if I am quiting my job and traveling around the world then what...all this work? Is it for nothing?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
De-Lurp yourself...

"There's Beauty in the Breakdown"
Lets start at the beginning: I hate old people. Some people hate kids, I hate old people. I'm sorry but for some reason no matter how cute and small I am, and how nice I am, old people hate me and love to yell at me for very silly, or stupid, or just plain things that don't make any sense!
Secondly: Our hotel as I mentioned before is in the process of being bought, and as a hotel that has a sister property that we also run, it has been a very confusing time with employees not knowing which hotel they will be placed at once the impending sale is done. There is a lot of confusion, people using sick days to really go on interviews at other hotels, so that means a lot of people are out sick. I am one of the lucky ones where I know I am not getting fired and not only that, I have an offer with the restaurant (which was sweetened this week when I was told that I would actually be helping the event planner start a catering company, not that I have any idea what catering really involves but I am starting one, so there!) and the current company that I work for apparently wants to give me a promotion but have still yet to hear that from anyone who matters, only from co-workers and big boss (I would like to hear it from the company itself, and with salary numbers as well....)
So the above all translates to: Not a lot of people, too much work, no one to do it except me...
SO yesterday, things came to a head. After 4 days and a weekend of having no reservations agents, I was being asked to learn the reservation system (ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!?) that is not my job and I they dragged me kicking and screaming to the computer to learn it...then, accounting was asking me for things, the GM was asking me for things, and if you can't tell yet, as Psycho Sid explained to me post-breakdown, "I have a high-rent problem", I am the "Go To Girl" in the hotel because I get shit down and people can count on me...which means all problems head my direction, and as the loyal caring employee I try and do everything, I always am trying to be superwoman and sometimes I just can't...
So: Being very busy yesterday with requests from all areas of the hotels, the phone ringing of the hook with requests from people who don't even have groups coming till June- September, the assistant asking me no to forget to order toner for the printers (As if that is my highest priority and it's not like he can't do it himself), Psycho Sid asking me for such inane stupid things she needs done that simply can't wait (can you hear the sarcasm?) and a million other things...Mr. Old Man calls at 4:30 to ask me to go over his reservations....for June...
-Basic Conversation:
Me: How May I help you today?
Mr. Old Man: I need to go over my block and check that the reservations are correct
Me: Alright, I would be glad to email you the information so you can have it on hand.
Mr. Old Man: I don't use computers
Me: Alright Sir, You have 8 rooms for these nights...
Mr. Old Man: What?
Me: You have 8 rooms for these nights...
Mr. Old Man: I have 10 rooms for these other nights?
Me: No Sir, You have 8 rooms for these nights...?
Mr. Old Man: I dont understand why you cant get this right?
Me: Excuse me? I dont think I understand the issue sir.
Mr. Old Man:
Mr. Old Man: You better fix them right this instance! I also need this change done immediately.
Me: Sir, I am not a reservations agent, I am simply mini-bosses sales assistant and cannot make any changes to the reservation system as I dont have access.
Mr. Old Man:
Me: Let me put you on hold so you can speak with mini-boss who would be glad to discuss these issues with you....
Mr. Old Man: How dare you not take my complaint! I am giving you a complaint and you are just passing me off to someone else! How dare you!!! This is absolutely ridiculous, I will not speak with anyone else, that is completely irresponsible, reckless, uncaring...blah blah balh
Mr. Old Man: Don't you dare put me on hold.dd.d.d..d.d......<>
So then immediately ran out of the room runs after me, I yell at him and tell him to go talk to his client!! I escape to the canal and sit on the bench and have a good cry. 20 mins later I head back and everyone wants to talk to me, apologize was just a long day...
I like that mini-boss got on the phone and told Mr. Cranky Pants that "My assistant ran out of her very upset. I'm not sure what happened but I would really like to know what you said to upset her."
Mr. Cranky Pants: I think I owe your assistant an apology.
Mini-Boss: I dont expect you will be speaking with her again.
Go mini-boss!!
So anyways, days ends. I ask to go home early as I am so upset. Psycho Sid comes out and is super nice to me and we have a little chat. Highlight of the chat:
PS: Just think that you have a garden. You have to tend, take care of and speak to your garden. If you pay attention to other gardens yours will not get all the care it needs. All you can do is throw fertilizer on others gardens to help them out.
Highlight of my day: After hitting the low of the low...I am waiting on the platform, having decided to walk around a little as I was still kinda upset and this guy standing next to me starts cursing and stuff...(not sure, could have been turrets) but when the train comes I get on the other train car because I dealt with enough crazy today, and there standing against the door on the other side of the car looking as handsome as ever is Ten. I walk to him, and he takes one look at me and can tell that I have been crying and he just gives me the biggest bear hug...I have the best boyfriend. We spent the rest of the night in bed cuddling and talking about work woes...
Sigh of Relief....another day begins.....
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Quote of the Day
"I'm so stressed, I dont know whether to scratch my head, or brush my ass..."
Cheers to our Conference Sales Manager for that cute soundbite...
Just an example of the type of day I am having currently, at least I'm not the only one...
Promise to post later if this day ever decides to stop trying to shake me upside down and inside out.
**Later Today** 2:30
Time Out from anything work related: Another blogger (once I remember who I promise to link her) wrote a comment once seeing Brit's newest Beau that he looked trustworthy...not...and that we would probably add to her insanity...One Point for Annoymous Blogger!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Teasing Phone Games
- They are currently running episodes of my favorite “Daria-esque” show “My So Called Life”. That show really is great. Oh, the early ‘90’s, seeing this show makes me glad I was too young to be fashionable, and I got to skip over this and straight to leggings and boots (as bad as Uggs really look, they are just so damn comfortable it is hard to take them off…I will endure the Ugliness for the so soft, sheep-skin insides and the warm feeling of my snuggled toes…on a side note, so much for being a veggie…)
- Seasons 1-3 of Lost are on. I could not, to save my life, ever figure out what time and channel Lost was on, so I have watched Season 1 and 2 on DVD and now I get to watch it online. V. Excited
- I must admit, I actually like Notes from the Underbelly, granted it’s no Grey’s Anatomy but at least it is kinda funny and keeps me entertained. Whereas watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy is like watching your best friend be mauled by a Tiger over and over again, talk about emotional overload, I can only watch Meredith mess up her relationship with McDreamy only so many times…and speaking of tiger, please, those kids deserved every last claw through their face, at least the tiger got one last claw in before he was wrongfully murdered…People, SHE WAS ONLY A TIGER, like she pre-mediated the murdering and shedding some blood. She probably saw 3 stupid “meals-on-wheels” really deserving a take-down and she gave it to them. YOU GO GIRL! and I digress...
Oh, and last but not least, my most current love is: the crossword puzzle. They actually tell you if each individual letter is right or wrong without giving the whole damn word away like some other programs! Now, I just have to figure out how to play it at work and still look like I am doing something. I need to be faster at closing windows…I am really slow at it because I don’t want to look stupid and obviously guilty so I go really slow to be like “yah, so what? I ‘m reading blogs, what are you going to do about it…” but I would rather be faster so I could be like, “whistle, whistle, just writing emails like I should be”…
Oh and one last but priceless piece of information: I am currently in a stand-off with the other assistant. He has been out since like December because he went to Africa for like a month, so I was running the office all by myself (piece of cake)…and now he is back and is all like, I am in charge again and blah blah…so currently we are in a very passive aggressive struggle over the phones….All our bosses phones ring through our lines in case they don’t want to pick up, we can…So everytime the phone rings we both give it one ring, and then it is a scramble to see who can pick it up first…My style is very non-chalant like, “Oh, I’m pretending not to notice the first ring, but the second, I’ll just get that…” But my fingers work like speedy Gonzalez and I always win!
Maybe, I really am a bitch at heart... Tee Hee…

Monday, January 7, 2008
When the Cat is Away, the Mice will Play
Big Boss is out of town till Thursday!! YAY!! Well not exactly yay, because we like him, but, Makes things a whole lot easier when he is gone...meaning I dont do as much.
I spotted Psycho Sid headed to Starbucks around 9:30, but we know how psycho sid gets, anything she sees that perks her interest she goes after, whether it is a store with crazy little pictures in the front, or nice looking cheese that she wants, Psycho is easily distracted so she is not back and probably won't be back for a while. Mini-boss on the other hand, (he is more like Jack from Will and Grace, whereas big boss is more like Will (but he does have some Jack in him also, like when he was doing the backstroke on the floor on friday when Psycho Sid got him upgraded to first class for his trip) ) But I digress, mini-boss has the door to his office closed meaning one thing...he is asleep...yes, he is resting his eyes because he has not picked up his phone since he walked in this morning...oh mini-boss, those late nights are hard on you :)
OK, enough about the office!! More exciting things to speak of:
-Orientation for tutoring is tomorrow and one of my "new" friends is actually going with me! YAY! I dont have to go alone, it is always better to go with someone else. And not only that, she has already signed up to do it, so turns out we may even work out as friends since we like similiar things! Ok, though...she is another one of my downer moments when I joined, not that I ever went to any, but I joined just for a look see, and she sent me a hear that...SHE SENT ME THE MESSAGE!!! Asking if I wanted to go with her to a meet up (the answer was no..., please, I'm not that desperate...well only on a bad day) . I looked her up on facebook, other people know who she is so I am pretty sure not a psycho pretending to be a girl, so I am excited we will get to meet tomorrow for this tutoring program.
-Apparently my long lost friend, let's call her um...Freckles, and she is not really my long lost friend just feels that way, because there is a very long lost story regarding our friendship that has lasted forever, and she is basically my best friend who i only talk on the phone too because she lives in Cali and I live in DC and we never saw each other when i was living there because she went to Colorado for school...blah...blah blah....etc...She MIGHT (might being the operative word) come to DC this weekend for one night. Partial jump in the air, one arm up, and a slight woohoo....She'll get the rest of the excitement if she actually shows up...let's just say she is not known for following through with most plans that involve visiting me.... So that is semi-exciting!
-I found pants that fit, no need for altering, me struggling with needles and thread to hem my own pants and no belts involved!!! Thank you ANN TAYLOR!! Ann Taylor sells OOP Pants that actually aren't longer than my whole body!! I'm glad someone actually pays attention that most woman that wear OOP pants are not 5'10 but more like 5'2 like little teeny tiny me...So I bought 2 pairs, was not letting them get away from me since they were like a perfect fit and I feel sassy,chic, and cute today at work!! One pair is grey and pinstriped with small blue line, and the other is black pinstriped.
-The weather is amazing out today so my mood is way up. I am eating lunch outside today by the canal. yum and sunny!! Doesn't get much better.
So Keep you Updated about whether Freckles comes to town, and how my blind date goes with meetup friend, and we already know I look fabulous in my new pants :)
Friday, January 4, 2008
Everything is Illuminated!
So as they say “Everything is Illuminated”!
My life makes sense to me finally. The endless time lines, scheduling, analness for being on time, my overwhelming sense that time is always against me makes sense for the first time in my life.
I have finally figured out why resolutions don’t work. They are too long term, I don’t switch gears well as my mom and dad say. I have this habit of endless righting To-Do lists with times to complete and everything, and I like to start a new list each day. If I don’t make lists I hardly ever get anything done.
And last night I crossed off a major thing off my list. I finished my application for this tutoring for children. I have always enjoyed community service but have not found much time to participate in the last few years. My boyfriend and I are considering the WorldTeach Organization (tutoring program for children in foreign countries) we wanted to do Peacecorp but decided 1. we weren’t that hardcore 2. they don’t take unmarried couples and we weren’t willing to get married to do Peacecorp (not yet anyways). So I decided I wanted to start tutoring kids from the DC inner-city schools and found a program I liked. I had been procrastinating doing it until the new year, but since it was on my list I finished it last night and start my training session next Tuesday!
I am so excited, I think this will be something I will really enjoy. Working with young kids is always so fun and rewarding, and hopefully it will give me an opportunity to meet some potential new friends (always looking for ways to do that in creepy, non-stalkery fashion).
I am on my way to be shiny nosed do-gooder!!
P.s. Britney keeps breaking my heart. It’s like her song “Hit Me Baby, One More Time” I keep offering her the benefit of the doubt, I make “gimme more” my ring tone as a sign of solidarity to show my support…but she keeps letting me down…oh Britney…what will we do with you?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Vacations and New Years - The Best Time of Year

“A vacation should be just long enough that you're boss misses you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you.”
– Unknown (Or at least I couldn’t find the author)
Oh Jamaica, How I miss your clear glass waters and the friendly people, No Problem Mon! I be returning soon!

This picture below: Is the View from the highway!! Not Fair!

Montego Bay and Negril were amazing! 5 blissful days of pool, sun and beach fun! Not sure if I got it out of my system as I don’t believe I will ever get the sun and the beach out of my system, but I feel better. It was an amazing place filled with fun people, lots of red stripe beer, funny accents, and wind surfing/water sliding/ snorkeling activities!
I loved spending time with my family. My younger sister just turned 21 and she is headed for Spain in two days for 6 months. So we celebrated with lots of beer and margaritas, daquiris and other frosty delights. My mom, of course, got drunk, being about my size width wide and a lot taller than me,
Things I learned about Jamaica:
Jamiacan English is a lot like British too me…I can’t understand it even though supposedly we are speaking the same language…
Classic Misunderstanding between Me and Cabana Guy:
Me: “Can I get a couple Lemonades mixed with Club Soda?” (my island drink, so refreshing!)
Cabana Guy: “How Many Times you Want? 1x, 2x?”
Me: looking at him with a total incomprehension… “Excuse me?”
Cabana Guy: “I Said, how many time you need”
Me: Still looking like a total nincompoop….”I guess 1x” (I am thinking, shots of lemonade or something…
He comes back with one drink, and I say, “Um, I needed 2 please…”
Cabana Guy: Totally Frustrated, “Dat is what I asked, 1x, 2x…No Problem, Mon, I bring you anoter drink…”
OOOPS!!! But in American English, you ask “how many?”
My favorite Jamaican Word was: Profile, Verb: other words with similar meaning, rubber neck, check out, etc. Used in sentences like, “Dem Boys be profiling, checking dem ladies along da street.”
And they really say, no problem mon…and I don’t mean they say it every now and then and only to men, they say it like Americans say the word “Like” it ends almost every sentence.
“Don’t worry, mon, no problem, mon. Coming right up mon…etc”
I loved it!! The crystal blue of the water was amazing, the only place that had more amazing water was the Turquoise Lake (Olundeniz) near Istanbul, Turkey.
New Years was interesting. Ten and I decided to do separate New Years which was bittersweet. He really wanted to see his friends up in New York and I really wanted to spend it with Cambouri as she had come done from New York to spend it with me. So, we decided that he would go do his thing in NY and I would stay with Cambouri and go with her to this party…
I must first explain my dress though…I love the Shopping Gods and the demi- God Lord and Taylor!!
Cambouri and I searched high and low for the perfect New Years dresses…I could not find a damn one that fit. Finally hidden in the sale rack of Lord & Taylor, a beautiful Nicole Miller satin pink fitted cocktail dress peered out at me…it was a size two but looked like it might fit my teeny tiny self… I didn’t dare look at the price because at this point who really cares…I tried it on and it was fabulous!!! YAY! The price tag was very scary though, originally $330…I took it to the “Check Price” Machine…and it showed up as $27!!!! I know, I was totally knocked off my feet…so not only did I get my dress for a whopping $22 dollars with my little 20% off extra savings pass but I also got to buy a pair of shoes to match!!

The party was in Adams Morgan and was a lot of fun, however, I don’t remember ringing in the New Years, as I was probably in the bathroom…totally oblivious to the time. Cambouri being the goddess that she is had guy after guy chasing her and even got 2 New Years kiss as I had to settle for a text message kiss from Ten. But at least it was a fun night with Cambouri. We didn’t get home till 5:30 because of course after the party was over we had to get big slice and then we went and hung out at one of Cambouri crushes house, she did other things besides talk while I passed out on the couch, only to be awoken at 5:30am as Cambouri pulled me out of his house and into a cab…the cab driver was laughing at us all the way probably knowing what was happening (We were ditching the boy of the nights house, not wanting to experience a coyote ugly moment (well, her, not me)) and fell asleep in her bed only to awake with the worst headache ever…ugh…but it was great…
The bittersweet part about the night, was being sad that Ten and I were apart for New Years. I had really wanted him to stay but was not willing to deny him his fun nor sacrifice my fun either. But What ended great about this experience is Ten came back on the 1st and told me how much he really feels like things lose their luster when I am not around. He always wants me to be there when he is sharing a joke with someone, and he missed not giving me a real New Years Kiss! I loved hearing that because I felt the same way. I love being with my girlfriends and there is a time and a place for girl time/boy time and together time, but New Years is not one of them and we really do enjoy spending time together on special occasions. We are having a Special Re-Do New Years tomorrow night, with Champagne, I am wearing my dress, and just us with a New Years Kiss at Midnight!!
Happy New Years Everyone! Hope it was fun and special!! Good Luck in 2008!
Oh, PS: Another Blog at is doing this great Advice Section for 20somethings, and I contributed to it as a guest post! YAY for getting involved!
Check out my post and her blog at: