I feel a hundred times better than I felt yesterday....I am very respectful of my work place, yah, I am the only one that doesn’t curse, or get angry, or lose my patience. As a person who has 4 bosses at least in just one office…it is important to have a certain type of personality that can have your big boss tell you one thing, your director tell you another and then figure out a way to tell psycho sid that I don’t have to do what she is asking me to do because 1. it is not my job, 2. Director has said I don’t have to because half the things you ask me to do are psychotic and involve running shoes and taxi fare... Things can get a little hectic and confusing around here. Because of this confusion it is important that I am always at my best and in a good mood or psycho sid along with the crazy wedding clients would get an earful…but…I slipped (I guess once a year is ok)…
YAY!! My wonderful, beautiful actress friend Sarah is in town from LA. I went to elementary school with her and we grew up about 3 blocks away from each other. Not only that, when I lived in LA, I called her up and we actually ended up living on the same street in LA about 2 blocks away! Very Very Small World.
So we met up and headed over to Manhattan’s in Georgetown. (B.F.'S BAR PICK OF THE WEEK)
If you have not been I highly suggest ! I love it because it is actually a very cute nice restaurant, they always have the window seats open and they are just so happy to see people they treat you like royalty. Not only that they have really good food and drink Happy Hour Special ($1 oysters!! Some of the best oysters I had all year actually!!) So we started there…2 drinks, 4 oysters, calamari and crab soup later…

We are off to McFadden’s!
We really were headed down a notch on the classy ladder but dollar drinks was something we couldn’t resist. We spent the rest of the night ordering drink after drink of Vodka, Soda, Lime Juices and dancing with this guy who was a spitting image of Napolean Dynamite…So, I am not gonna lie, Sarah is in trouble for introducing me to that drink, the additional Rose’s Lime Juice covers all the alcohol up so you can’t taste it and therein lies the problem…5 more drinks later, I stumbled home, fell into bed and passed out. Ten (my bf) was not too please with me to say the least…”It is irresponsible of you to go out and heavily drink while you are still on antibiotics and just got over strep throat….blah, blah…snore”
6:30 am snuck up and bit me on the ass, way to early…I rolled over hit the snooze till 7:15. Woke up, rolled out of the bed, onto the floor, into some clothes, and onto the metro…and I arrived only 15 mins late…except I spent the next 30 mins. trying to stop the world from spinning until I gave up and I did the most awful thing ever… I threw up at work, in a public bathroom!! AHHH!!!! It was awful and I never want to experience that again, but at the same time I had a great night with my girlfriends and in the end that’s all that matters, oops, I pulled a britney!! (Speaking of Britney, that poor Jamie Lynne...they need to put a cork in those two, you know where, this world does not need anymore of that kin!)
I love this time of year because all my friends come home! I can be popular again! YAY! Two of my friends came into town and they want to do drinks and catch up at one of their houses…except the drink part I can’t wait. Most of my good close friends I went to elementary school with, which is crazy, but that is how things happened.
So happy to spend good quality much needed, girl time. Ten is great, but girl’s really need their girly time! So excited to hear about their adventures! (one went to school with me at UCSB, and is still there getting her masters, and the other just started a fellowship for the UN in New York).
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