“Sigh…” Another Monday begins…
This weekend was amazing! My friend London was in town with her boyfriend from Miami. Of course it was a totally disgusting weekend for them to come and visit (especially since I was trying to convince her to move to DC). The snow was melting it was rainy on Friday and I was really nervous it would spoil all our sightseeing plans. But! The sightseeing Gods were smiling down on us because Saturday ended up being the perfect blue sky day for seeing the sights.
Friday night when London and Rice (bf) got here, I (being the jewish mom) had set-up pizza, chips and salsa, Shrimp cocktail, and anything else I could think of that they would want to eat. London, being a fat person in a skinny body, (close to my own heart) chowed down on the pizza which I helped and we got settled in, Talking and catching up. The boyfriends of course settled themselves in on the couch to watch football. After the initial catch up (and the guys got to half-time) we got dolled up and headed to Brickskellers. Guy, London’s BF loves beer! And in a town like Miami you wont find too many places that serve a wide array of beer from all over the world as well, there aren’t too many places to go for a low key night to catch up with friends. Brickskellers was just what we were looking for. We got a small table in the corner and ordered tons and tons of beers from all over the world (My fav was the Hoegarden (sp?) from Belgium). Our waiter, which I will refer to him as Dwight (like from the Office) was interesting…he totally upsold as wherever he could even pushing this nasty beer called Pinkus on the boyfriends for $10. But we did not let Dwight get us down! We get ordering to our hearts content, including a raspberry flavored beer, which is when London and I realized we were getting a little carried away (don’t go for the raspberry beer, EVER!). It was also sweltering in that basement, and after slowly peeling off each layer through subsequent rounds of beer we emerged into the icy cold to remember that we were in DC still and had not actually been in the sweltering heat of Miami…We popped over to Front page for one more round and the bathroom and found that as soon as we got there and ordered the lights came on, We had been drinking beers in the sweaty basement of Brickskellers for like 4 hours! We made our way to the metro for the long ride home where we all immediately passed out with lovely beer dreams floating through our drunken heads J
Saturday: After finally cajoling London, Rice, and Ten (my bf) out of bed, we headed off for the obligatory sightseeing… The best comment of the day that accurately describes London’s care for DC happened as we were approaching the Capital Building: “Hey Look! it’s the white house!” All three of us look at her… “WHAT! London, that’s the Capital”, “Isn’t that the same thing? I thought they were interchangeable…Like one was the front and one was the back side of the building…no…not right?”
AWW!! London…we still love you and will never let you live that down.
This weekend was amazing! My friend London was in town with her boyfriend from Miami. Of course it was a totally disgusting weekend for them to come and visit (especially since I was trying to convince her to move to DC). The snow was melting it was rainy on Friday and I was really nervous it would spoil all our sightseeing plans. But! The sightseeing Gods were smiling down on us because Saturday ended up being the perfect blue sky day for seeing the sights.
Friday night when London and Rice (bf) got here, I (being the jewish mom) had set-up pizza, chips and salsa, Shrimp cocktail, and anything else I could think of that they would want to eat. London, being a fat person in a skinny body, (close to my own heart) chowed down on the pizza which I helped and we got settled in, Talking and catching up. The boyfriends of course settled themselves in on the couch to watch football. After the initial catch up (and the guys got to half-time) we got dolled up and headed to Brickskellers. Guy, London’s BF loves beer! And in a town like Miami you wont find too many places that serve a wide array of beer from all over the world as well, there aren’t too many places to go for a low key night to catch up with friends. Brickskellers was just what we were looking for. We got a small table in the corner and ordered tons and tons of beers from all over the world (My fav was the Hoegarden (sp?) from Belgium). Our waiter, which I will refer to him as Dwight (like from the Office) was interesting…he totally upsold as wherever he could even pushing this nasty beer called Pinkus on the boyfriends for $10. But we did not let Dwight get us down! We get ordering to our hearts content, including a raspberry flavored beer, which is when London and I realized we were getting a little carried away (don’t go for the raspberry beer, EVER!). It was also sweltering in that basement, and after slowly peeling off each layer through subsequent rounds of beer we emerged into the icy cold to remember that we were in DC still and had not actually been in the sweltering heat of Miami…We popped over to Front page for one more round and the bathroom and found that as soon as we got there and ordered the lights came on, We had been drinking beers in the sweaty basement of Brickskellers for like 4 hours! We made our way to the metro for the long ride home where we all immediately passed out with lovely beer dreams floating through our drunken heads J
Saturday: After finally cajoling London, Rice, and Ten (my bf) out of bed, we headed off for the obligatory sightseeing… The best comment of the day that accurately describes London’s care for DC happened as we were approaching the Capital Building: “Hey Look! it’s the white house!” All three of us look at her… “WHAT! London, that’s the Capital”, “Isn’t that the same thing? I thought they were interchangeable…Like one was the front and one was the back side of the building…no…not right?”
AWW!! London…we still love you and will never let you live that down.

Front? Back?

Then the best part of the weekend took place. The vegging!! We sent the boys upstairs to go watch football or basketball or whatever boys do, and we got down to the serious gossip, ANTM, and snacking session.
The provisions included:
-Every gossip, celeb magazine available courtesy of L’Oreal and London’s travel budget (She travels 70% of the year).
- Humus and carrots, chips and salsa AND guacamole, Organic Chedder Cheese, Wheat thins, left over shrimp cocktail *which I devoured on my own…
-Large liter bottles of water,
-ANTM marathon on MTV.
Needless to say it was just what the doctor ordered and now I miss London more than ever. We bonded over the Jennifer Love pictures, which we sympathized with but totally wanted to know why she couldn’t do a lunge every now and then, and of course the scandal involved with Vanessa Hudgesen (We even went so far as to look up the naked picture which know is horrible and wrong and bad, but we couldn’t trash talk without the full information, we felt very dirty and wrong after finding it…) We talked about old memories. London and I spent a semester in Mexico City together when we were 15. Both of our dad’s were there for work and we bonded over the mutual hatred of Chile on everything, the Spanish Fresas (means snobs), and the General Motor brats (Americans) that were in school with us. We got drunk together for the first time when we were 15, which involved being VIPs in an all-you can-drink club in Acapulco, nudity, London forgetting how to speak English (she is fluent in Spanish, I, on the other hand, am not), cold showers, and a crying episode on the roof of London’s family house (this was all just one night, when we were in Acapulco with her family…) We have some great memories that really bind us together and it was nice to just veg out, be fat kids in a candy store and talk about old times!!

Oh, Café Asia!! As bad as the interiors are, and even though I feel like I am eating in a cafeteria, I love LOVE the sushi and always have a good time there. The boys, one of my bf’s roommates, London, I and Cambouri (YAY!! Back from NY for the weekend, Already!) went to café asia. None of us held back. I ordered 18 pieces of sushi!! London, being the Chic and classy girl, ordered the Sashimi dinner, and Cambouri, being the petite ballet dancer ordered 2 rolls and then proceeded to help me finish off the 18 pieces I had ordered, the mooch J and of course why I keep her around, because I find my eyes are bigger than my stomach most of the time.
We also ordered Saki Bombs and Wine. YUM! I love saki bombs!! I don’t know what it is about them, but I do them in “my size” amounts and they just taste so good!
We ate and drank there for about 3 hours and then was told it was last call…We thought the restaurant was closing and so we had to leave. We are all paying and finishing our last drinks, and we notice that we are the only ones leaving and a dj is setting up right next to us so I guess we weren’t invited to stay…(we thought maybe the requirements were to speak Japanese) So we headed over for a rival of Science Club. Our memories where so fond of the free drinks last time we thought why not…Luckily this time, it was not as crowded, we found a great place to stand and ended up drinking to our hearts content (V&T’s for London and I, and G &T for Cambouri, for a ballerina she is hardcore)
Highlights of the night:
1. Taking numerous outrageous pictures *typical in the digital camera age
2. Ten (my bf of 3.5 years) wanting to talk about our future and marriage and oh my goodness! (mind you I am not wearing a ring yet!!) I had to have Cambouri and London come steal me from his clutches to the bathroom where he immediately forgot about anything he said, when he proposes I would like him to be semi-sober and be a few years older J
3. London, Cambouri, and I are taking a picture and we are all chatting away not ready to take it yet, when London yells at me, and she is like “Are we interlocking hands?” We both look behind Cambouri and we have been holding each other hands, like interlocked fingers and everything!! HAHA, gotta love those lesbian moments with your best friends!

4. On the metro ride home, my boyfriend being the drunkard he is, pulls Rice up to the front of the train and is like look out the front. They spend the entire 20 min train ride staring through the front of the car looking at the tracks ahead…best moment, was when London and I look up, and Ten has his arm on Rice’s back and they both are staring through the window (into the future), we have a great picture of it.
Sunday: Our final day…being totally hung over and tired we went and walked around Georgetown, I mean I had to show London Georgetown!! But we were both so tired and blah there we no great purchases to speak of.
Anyways, hope everyone has had a great weekend! I look forward to all my friends coming home for the holidays. Until then, I guess I will just save my money!
PS: SO EXCITED!! London brought me the Skinny Bitch in the Kitch book!! I love the book Skinny Bitch, as I said before I am not a true Veg, but I am trying to be and this is just another step! Yay for being healthy and organic!
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