Good Morning (I guess Afternoon now but I meant to write this morning),
So this was a pretty great weekend! I love having those times where you are like I had a lot of fun last night, this weekend, I feel like it really makes me not miss California so much and I think that is the point right now. I have to get over my "homesickness..." and learn to appreciate DC as a completely different place and not expect the same people, the same clothes, and the same nightlife atmospheres.
What I did this weekend:
- Friday: I spent some quality time with my boyfriend. He has been very busy with grad school and working full time so we finally took a night to enjoy each other's company. We see each other all the time since we live in the same building but there is a difference between seeing each other and really spending quality time....and here is the great great part and basically why I have the best boyfriend in the whole world...
He spent the evening watching Gilmore Girls Season 7 Disc 1 with me!!!
My little sister has always been obsessed with Gilmore girls and finally I decided to watch it and was hooked immediatly. I now own seasons 1-5 and am Netflixing the last two seasons. and I had just gotten the first disc and Season 6 ends with a very crucial cliff hanger and I was dying to watch it and that is when my boyfriend said those very important words that take your relationship to the next level...
"I 'll watch it with you"
YAYAY!!!! So we spent the evening cuddled up drinking red wine *yummy Cab wine from Argentina called La Tosca and watching my two favorite Loreleis...*I will be naming my daughter Rory and there is nothing my boyfriend can do about it :)
- Oh Macy's how I love you!!! So all day Saturday Macy's and Express took all my money :)
20% off of everything at Macy's till tomorrow!! Don't miss out, even Coach stuff and jewelery and sale stuff!
It is the friends and family sale and I have always wanted one of those coach wristlets and I finally decided yesterday that I had never see coach on sale and would not pass it up. I also bought a great scarf (org: $30, Sale: $15), I bought my mom a really gorgeous sterling silver bracelet made with shell and onyx (Org: $70, Sale: $26) all sterling silver is %50 off as it is plus the coupons of friends and family!
I also went to Express and they were having great sales as well.

It is tax free week in DC!
So I spent a lot of hard earned money and bought gifts for my family and my next paycheck will be for my friends (I have never opened up a credit card and at this moment, this is when I wish I had because I only have 15 dollars left in my bank account....)
However, the best part of the weekend was last night:
A group of friends braved the sleet last night and trecked from Farragut to Science Club to send off my best friend from high school, Cambouri, the one who has basically been keeping me sane here in DC is moving to New York today. :(
Science Club is on 19th street and is about 2 blocks North of Farragut and 2 blocks South of Dupont next to Mezza Luna. At first it was awful, we were about to leave because it was packed to the gills. It is a small place with even smaller standing room, which leads to it being almost impossible to make it to the bar, and to make it even worse (or better after the crowd died down) it was free Miller High Life's all night long!! Cambouri and I were headed to the bar to grab two white wines (usually I am a vodka soda with lime type of girl but tonight I wanted to keep clear headed and actually remember celebrating Cambouri's last night.) When we heard it was free beer all night long. normally we would never and I mean EVER drink Miller High Life's I dont think I had actually ever had it before but being poor young professionals we thought we should take advantage I mean we were there to mingle with locals :) And so we raised our glass to the "Champagne of Beer!" and to Cambouri's last night in DC (she is coming back next week to get more stuff and London is coming to town...)
So as I said, at first it was packed to the gills and uncomfortable, but everyone started to leave probably due to the sardine status and then it became enjoyable. We had a great night chatting about her new job in New York (fundraising for a hospital while hoping to join a Ballet Company and continue with her auditions...Cambouri is an amazing ballerina has been written up in the New York times but unfortunatly for the world she is a little too tall...I know I know...too TALL!! So sad..... internet is about to expire at Caribou Coffee so I will make this post and hopefully get to post later!
Hope the weekend was fabulous for everyone! If anyone has suggestions for great bars, lounges, and nightclubs in DC let me know, I love trying new places!
(i'll explain the boring bullet come next time!)
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