Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Social Life- Non-existent but here are some things I can do by myself!
Okay, since I don't see that happening anytime soon I decided to write about my local city. I already write about the great restaurants that can be found so I decided to just write about a couple things that I do in the city when I have a day off and no one else does...yes, i always do the coffee with my normal working friends but I have to think of other things to do besides sitting at home and watching tv (if I did that all the time, it would take away the fun of doing that when I am home sick!).
So please find two things I like to do below and I will try to keep adding on:
Things to do when you have nothing to do?
1. One sure fire thing to do any time of the week is to find a local farmers market and go crazy, whether just people watching or buying great produce and random jewlery that you tend to find there, a Farmer's market is a great way to spend some quality alone time. Eastern market is open everyday and is one of my favorites. Just walking around, grabbing a cup of great, organic coffee at any of the multiple places in the area is a great way to spend some quality “me” time. I love the inside part of the market. All the great natural cheeses, homemade pastas, and the best chicken salad of all time can be found in there. "Drooling Alert!" I like to go in the mornings, have a cup of coffee and depending on the weather sit outside (almost all the coffee shops have tables outside), and walk around the area. Pro or Con (you decide)?: You won't find the same crowds as a Saturday or Sunday but you will have less options and booths.
2. For the exercise buffs, nothing beats the Mount Vernon Trail. At 18 miles long, it has enough acreage for even the most long distance runners (and cyclists). But even if you end up huffing and puffing after 3 miles (like me) it still is a great trail. It has the most amazing views of the city, allows you to enjoy the best weather DC has to offer (when available) and you can get your daily exercise. Get off the metro at Rosslyn and head towards Key Bridge. Right before you get to key bridge you will see a sign for the Mount Vernon trail. Take the trail south. It runs along the Potomac river. Lots of cuties (wink wink) along the way and a great way to release some stress, pass the time, and work off that margarita you probably didn’t need last night. What I have do is take the trail to about Arlington Cemetery (you will know you get there when you hit the first large bridge (Memorial Bridge)). I tend to cross unsafely, running for my life across the 2- two lane highways and then walk up to the Arlington Cemetery metro station and ride the rest of the way home. My favorite parts of the trail include: Theodore Roosevelt Island, (a great place to do some trail running), and the amazing views of the Washington Monuments and the Lincoln Memorial and steps.
Another place to start the trail would be to start at Crystal City. The trail starts at the huge water fountain on 15th street and crystal drive (just look for the hummer limos and the quinceaneros chicas y los hombres wearing nicer dresses than my wedding dress will probably be). A 1.5 miles into the trail you will hit Gravely Point, otherwise none as “Airport Park.” You can keep going and at about 3 miles you will see the memorial for the Navy men and women who were lost at Sea. A great memorial with amazing views and nice benches where if you have a backpack and you can stop and read a book, or if your like me, just relax and bring your heart back to a normal speed.
To be continued…I apolgize for not writing often but I work too much and no longer have a normal social life (as can be seen from this post) and can't write my blog at work anymore...duh, the reason most people start one anyways!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I am doing my best!
I know I suck recently. But i have been so busy!! i can't believe all the crazy things that have happened in my life.
First off, the new job (which I guess isn't so new anymore). I have been promoted from Coordinator Private Dining Sales Manager and a Manager of the restaurant! YAY!! Not only that, I don't want to give too much away but we won an award at the James Beard Foundation which is amazing!! For those of you who don't watch Top Chef, this is like winning an Oscar but for restaurants. So it is amazing that I am now the official Private Dining Manager for a James Beard award winning restaurant.
So mostly I have been working very very hard, to adjust to my new position and as those of you can imagine, the restaurant hours are crazy and busy and I have barely seen anyone, let along blog.
Not only that I have taken a step towards my future. Ole Miss and I decided to get off our lazy butts and take a GMAT class, so we can ace our GMAT test probably at the end of the summer (but we will see). The class is once a week for six weeks, for THREE FUCKING HOURS oh..and Fifteen minutes...and not only that it is from 6:30 -945pm....which is quite tiring. BUT IT IS A GREAT CLASS!!
Please check this company out, it is called Test-Ease LLC...yes like the sweaty male body part we all have to touch at one point in our lives :( UGH! , but seriously, Ole Miss and I were a little worried wondering if we had just given some person with a funny sense of humour our $500 so he could go to Mexico, but no, the class is great and they do all sorts of other types of studying help, and it is the cheapest tutoring around and our teacher Jay is awesome! I highly recommend it, especially if you don't mind a cuss word or two (considering every math problem he describes always ends with the words, "this one is so fucked up but here is how you solve it") hahah!
Places I have been recently: (a little quick restaurant review time)
Brasserie Beck: A much more sophisticated version of "Brickskellers". A belgium restautant with a great beer list that contains dozens upon dozens of amazing belgium beers (as a belgium beer lover this was my kind of place). Ten and I went on a date night, just the two of us and got a bunch of beers and some frites, or french fries with an awesome trio of yummy mayos (just like the europeans). It was a little pricey, it ended up being like 50 bucks for the two of us for beers and fries, and Ten asked me if next time we can go somewhere cheaper...hmm...I think after 4 years he is getting cheap on me. :)
We also went to New York City back to my good old favorite: Yuca Bar. YUM! Cambouri and I died over heaping plates of huevos rancheros and Ten joined us this time and swooned over his bananna pancakes.
My family and I went to Bread bar at Tabla, which was great. It was indian american fusion food. The chicken tikka melts in your mouth as did the baby octopus, and while I was too hung over from the 4th to enjoy any of their amazing drinks, my parents and younger sister did not hold back and they were all wasted by the end of the typical :)
We saw Spring Awakening. It is the musical that won the tony award for best musical last was good...if you don't mind sex on stage, lots of really young people talking about sex, while you are sitting next to your parents, your younger sister and your boyfriends....akward comes to mind....
It was good, and i am a prude or anything but it was slightly awkward and I felt like it was trying to be Rent, and being a fanatical Rent Lover I guess it was okay.
So that's it for now, I will try and get back in the blog world as soon as possible. I am just so super busy.
I hope life it good for us all and I promise when I get more time to keep you as updated as possible, but I have been catching up with all my old favorites I just don't have as much time anymore since I am not sitting at a desk.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Put on your sunday best and head to Brunch at Red Rock Pizzeria
I have found the holy grail of brunchs. (ok, not better than Yuca Bar in NY but just as good!)
Please put on your sunday best, (not required but oh so much fun!) your cutest new spring sandal wedges (flaunt it if you got it) and head up the yellow/green line to columbia heights. While for most people, columbia heights is a place to be avoided at all costs, unless you live there and then I am sooo sorry, I have found on reason to make the trek: Red Rock Pizzeria. Located on the corner of 11th and Park sits the cutest, red brick townhouse. A sunsoaked patio is filled with young, hip twenty somethings celebrating the amazing seventy degree weather and the sun that has finally decided to grace DC with her presence. The best part about brunch was the $9 Bottomless Mimosas. Jennifer, and I arrived at prime bunching hour (1:15pm) to be pleasantly surprised that our wait amounted to about 5 minutes, much shorter than the host has thought. We found the most perfect table, totally in the sun (which we later started to regret) and started ordering. About 4 mimosa's into the day, my eggs over-easy, smoothered in marinara sauce with two perfectly toasted artisan bread arrived. Jennifer had the Pizza omelet that was cooked to perfection, if I may say so myself as resident egg master and chef. Ole Miss arrived about an (6 mimosa's later = 1 hour later) and she ordered she ordered the marguerita pizza (and by she ordered, I mostly mean Jennifer and I, in our slightly tipsy state, made her order) which we all three quickly devoured. We also ordered the bruschetta about (8 mimosa's later). All in all it was a great afternoon of chatting, gossiping, and spilling our inner-most secrets (it's funny how 8 mimosa's will find you spilling those secrets you swore you would never tell a sole). We finally left around 4:45pm. The waiter had cut us off (jokingly of course, however, after the second table that arrived after us and left before us, commented about how surprised that three such small girls could drink and eat so much, i think the waiter decided it might be time to end the day), however the bartender returned twice to refill our glasses while the waiter was looking the other direction. It was a great afternoon and I highly suggest walking the 4 blocks into columbia heights to find this amazing brunch place, and even just for the pizza which was great. Just to let you know at $25 dollars each (including tip and tax) I think it was an excellent way to spend my Sunday.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My life as a Restauranteur
Places I have visited recently, um, actually not too many since I have been so busy traveling ( I have just been recapping the past 2 weekends). Tomorrow I have plans for a girl's brunch tomorrow. Mostly that means bottomless mimosa's and bloodymary's at whatever place we can under $10 dollars...hmm...make the 15 since I probably don't want to know what type of champagne is used in the ten dollar one. I think it will be, Ole Miss, Me, my friend Jennifer (she currently is leaving my parents house as a renter, reminder my parents have moved out so not as wierd), and maybe my childhood friend Welsh. My other friend, ND (she has been really disappointed that everytime I write my blog I never talk about stuff i do with her, and she may make me change her name but for now, ND will work), has her parents in town so she won't be able to come :( She is actually going to be eating dinner with her parents at my new restaurant, I hope everything is delicious and I would highly recommend it if it wouldn't give away my identity, but it comes highly recommended by the Washington Post as one of the best new restaurants in the city, so I guess that is a hint.
I guess that is an update. I am finding it increasingly important to make good friends and keep them. Having moved so much between colleges and after college it is really hard to keep friends. I hate to talk on the phone which makes keeping in touch with friends all across the country very difficult and totally unsatisfying. Ole Miss and I have become really close, and as someone who knows how to have good girl friends (being the southern belle that she is) I have been taking pointers from her and trying to follow her lead when it comes to being friends with girls and how to handle all the situations that arise, like break-ups, boy troubles, and making sure to spend enough time away from Ten and with my girlfriends (even though I have to say, I am pretty good at that, not perfect, but better than most, and I probably should not take any credit for that, because it is usually Ten telling me, "I need guy time, if I have to listen to you endlessly prattle on about your job, your friends, and gossip I might kill myself. I need some beer, bbq's, and babes" (he is joking about the babes thing, but I get the hint).
So Hope everyone's has been doing well. I will let you know where I end up for brunch. Hopefully some really cool place on U St or Adam's morgan. Let me know if you have suggestions.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I am back from my haitus. I apologize for the recent silence i have been very very let's get to it...
My life as I know it is very different then it was last time I updated. Things that have happened include:
I went to Miami
I went to the hottest new nightloung called the Florida Lounge at the Delano Hotel.
I met Eva Longoria there. (ok, well I didnt meet her but I did get to attend her birthday party...okay, it's not exactly how it sounds, I happened to be at the club she was celebrating her birthday at but I did get to sing her happy birthday, well not just me, but you get it :)
I met the Mayor of Miami at the Delano also, and I did actually meet her. My friend from high school is a photographer for Ocean Drive Magazine (kinda the society pages of Miami) and so knows everyone, every hot place and can get into every hot place.
Miami was amazing!! I was visiting London. Since you last saw her in this blog, she has broken up with her boyfriend (which is a good thing in her eyes), she has won Employee of the Year (at L'Oreal!!) and is still one of the most awesome and amazing friends I have. She is amazingly sweet and fun and I extended my stay longer just to spend a little bit more time with her, and maybe in the MIami Sun :)
I have also started my new job at the Restaurant! YAYA!!! SO excited!
So since I started here, the restaurant has been nominated by the James Beard Foundation (if you dont know what that is I suggest you watch a little Top Chef) as Best New Restaurant in Country. Now, it hasnt won yet, but we will : )
My title is kinda vague, basically I am a manager/program coordinator. I do a wide vareity of things but I love it!!! I love my new job, i love my new bosses and i love my new french chef :) Everyone was right, he is cuter than my other one, nicer, and his accent is just soooo adorable, you just want to pinch his cheeks. I already have a nickname as well, The chef refers to me as "Sweetcakes". Apparently that is a french cutesy name. I dont care he can call me whatever he likes :)
Ten and I had our anniversary...we didnt do anything except go on a very nice run to see the DC sites, and then make dinner but it was perfect for me. It was one of those really nice days we have just had in DC where it was 70 degrees. Ten and I really enjoy our runs and it was just so perfect to be finally outside enjoying the weather, enjoying the beautiful DC sites and just spending time together. I dont know exactly how many years we have been together but we are guessing around 4. So we have decided that it would be our 4 year anniversary.
Places i have been lately that I suggest going are....hmmm...I actually dont think I have gotten out lately... I am going to Poste I think today for drinks, we may end up at Zengos, but now that I am located in Penn Quarter for work I think it is time to start trying out the bars and happy hours here.
I love Clydes! I highly suggest going there for a drink if you ever get a chance. Look for the Bartender Earl, he is a fabulous bartender and very nice. I love going into bars and asking the bartenders to make me whatever they want and he is a great sport and makes me awesome drinks :) (Bartenders hate me, but I still love it, how else am I supposed to try new drinks).
I suggest Rocket Bar, if you are looking for a fun laid back bar that is not too crowd. I have gone there with a few friends and the many televisions keep the sports crazed occupied (ie: Ten) and the billiards tables, and darts provides fun for all ages. As well, it is nice to just hang around and catch up with your friends.
Another suggestion:McCormick and Schmicks for their happy hour of course is amazing. It's like 2.95 for like the greatest appetizers and they don't skimp on size! you can get a full half pound burger and fries. I would also highly suggest their buffalo wings...
Something I learned last weekend: I learned that if you go to Eastern Market at around 3:45 great deals can be found. I was a little late heading to the market but as it is one of my favorite things to do on Saturdays, especially now that it is strawberry season I decided to risk it. When I got there everything was being sold at next to nothing. I bough 3 baskets of strawberries for 2 dollars, 1 bin of red potatoes, and 1 bin of cherry tomatoes for dollar each. It was great! The only problem was I missed the deli place I love in the market itself, since it was closed by the time I got there. If you are looking for a great activity in DC I would highly suggest Eastern Market.
Another place as a DC local that I love, is the Waterfront. If you get off the metro at L'Enfant Plaza and head down to the water (past the Mayflower hotel, ( i forgot what street it is) you can buy fresh fish, shrimp, maryland crabs, oysters, clams anything!! all fresh off the boats. They are actually boats that you buy from. The expereince is great, find the best deal, order steamed crabs hand your cash down to the guy on the boat and he packs a brown paper bag full of fresh maryland crabs, or hands you a plate of fresh shucked oysters. Their clam chowder is delicious as well. My favorite past time is to pick up crabs, shrimp etc. and find a nice spot on the grassy hill across the way and settle in for a great lunch or dinner. You could also take it down to the monuments and go see the cherry blossoms since tis the season.
So, I guess for now, thank you for your patience and hope everyone is doing well.
If anyone has suggestions for great happy hours, drinks, or dinner places in Penn Quarter or Chinatown, let me know!
Friday, March 7, 2008
When I say Sake, you say BOMB!
So here’s a little recap:
Everything started when the hotel I was working for was bought. As a reminder I worked for 2 hotels, and only 1 of them was bought. This brought a lot of inner turmoil among all employees. Our little family was being torn apart and these big scary new people were coming into rule over us….It was awful to say the least, there was a lot of crying, mental breakdowns over my demotion to Secretary (unofficial but accurate). There also was a denial of the promotion I have been going to work each day for. The hope that all my hard work had been noticed and I would soon be an employee in the restaurant in the hotel, my one and only reason for staying with one hotel over the other. In the words of the GM, “I don’t see why the restaurant needs you, and unless the position is 90% admin work, I wont approve such a promotion because it isn’t necessary.” With that one little sentences, caviar and champagne dreams floated themselves out the window. That disappointment lead to multiple other changes, all leading up to: I HAVE OFFICIALLY PUT IN MY TWO WEEKS!! I DID IT LAST FRIDAY!!
So I know enquiring minds want to know, what has this 23 year old Food and Beverage extraordinaire decided to persue? (I might be using the word extraordinaire rather loosely considering it has been over a year and I still can’t pronounce the word “Sommelier”- which for those of you don’t know means “Wine Guy”) I was hired by the restaurant, not in my dream position (but then again who actually gets their dream position at 23?) but doing something rather less glamorous. I will be working at the other restaurant owned by the same Chef, which was just voted number 10 best new innovative restaurants in the country by New York Times. I will be doing data entry…that’s right, data entry… and if I am lucky I will get to still help with any big events that the restaurant at the hotel does, and I will still get to learn about the restaurant industry. As much as that sounds boring, and awful, and may I say BORING again…there are a few upsides to the position. I won’t just be doing any data entry, I will be inputting the ALL IMPORTANT AND SECRETIVE Recipes into the new computer system. I will also become GURU to said computer system and be working with the Exec Chef to teach him and all other Managers how to use it. Other upsides include: Working directly with the Exec chef, who I have been told by numerous people that if I love the Exec Chef at the Hotel Restaurant (WHICH I DO DODODODODODO!!! I have written about him previously, just think “Sexy, French Accent who Yells at me all the time, but I don’t care because his sexy mouth can say anything he wants to me because I pretty much don’t understand anything he says anyways”) I AM GOING TO LOVE THE EXEC CHEF AT NEW RESTAURANT. Apparently, he is French (God yes!) his accent is thicker (Even BETTER) and he doesn’t yell as much (hm, I don’t care really, it is kinda hot when French men get all hot and bothered over fruit salads and the perfect consommé ).
So I will be starting forth in this new endeavor in about two weeks. I of course, will keep updates on my progress. And let you know how truly hot the new chef is (Ten can’t be too jealous, I really only like them for their accents).
In other news, Ten’s birthday just passed!! It was really wonderful! He is 24! AWW!! That sounds soo old, I know we are young but still. It sounds older!
Due to my lack of funds, I decided to throw Ten a birthday party at my apartment, not just any birthday party but a SAKE BOMB party!!
I invited all his friends over, brewed SAKE (well, not technically brewed it myself but I did heat it up because that is the best way to drink Sake) and made everyone bring over tons and tons of Saporro!! I also cooked Edamame because Sake isn’t anything without Edamame with it.
It was a lot of fun! In case you don’t know what Sake Bombs are, it is when you take a shot of hot Sake, balance it on two chopsticks over a glass of beer. Everyone proceeds to chant, our versions included, “Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake BOMB!” or “When I say Sake you say bomb, Sake, Bomb, Sake, BOMB!” or we even sang happy birthday to Ten and ended it with a BOMB! And when you say BOMB you slam your hands on the table and the shot glass falls in, and you must drink the whole glass, SAKE and Beer as fast as you can.
It is great fun, however, 6 Sake Bombs, and 2 shots later, I might have had a little too much to drink (especially for the 98 pounds of me). I don’t remember the end of the night…I was told that I put on pajamas and then started doing a crazy crab walk (which in my hazy state I slightly remember doing that, but I think I was actually trying to do the dance that Cameron Diaz does at the top of the Hill in the beginning of the movie, “The Sweetest Thing”. What? Don’t remember that move? Not surprised, but apparently it had a big impact on me.
Flashforward: 6am in the morning, I wake up freezing on the 2-seater in my living room, clutching a velvet pillow for warmth…that’s odd considering I went to sleep in my own bed, or so I remember…
Flashforward: 9 am, the marathon throwing up begins. I not only throw up every 10 mins, I throw up every ounce of water, tiny bites of bread I tried to force down, and basically was reduced to dry heaving and standing Butt straight up in the air, head forced down to the toilet to get anything else possible out of my system because my stomach decided it still wasn’t done. Highlight of my morning was when Ten was using the bathroom for the 2 secs he needed to pee, and of course my stomach decides, “Hey you, bonehead, I need to throw up…” FUCK, (excuse my language) I go running down the hall searching for somewhere to throw up.. sink is filled with dishes, trash is overflowing with beer bottles, cups, and food, my trashcan from the night before is filled with Ten’s puke (he also did not make it through the night with projectile heaving), so I frantically grab a plastic bag from the storage closet, place it over the recycling bin in case of holes in the bottom, and proceed to throw up, in a plastic bag, over 5 tons of used beer bottles in the storage closet. Ten, must have heard the frantic commotion I made because he came out, and was like "are you ok," I am heaving up whatever is left in my stomach as I am waving my arms at him to “GET THE F- OUT!!! YOU CANT SEE ME LIKE THIS!!”
Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day in bed, I didn’t stop throwing up till 3pm, where I finally found a spot on my bed where I finally felt slightly less sick, and proceed to stay in that position, refusing to move no matter the pins and needles of the weird neck position and leg position I was in, and slept till 6 pm. I woke up and proceed to have a few teaspoons of soup which stayed down and back to sleep around 9pm for another work day…
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bar Review Edition _ "Rumors"
I spent last Saturday, forcing myself past a very large man, pushing through a very small door, and trekking through a path that “magically appeared” as a pushed myself like a jigsaw puzzle piece fitting myself through the crowd to the bar where I very quickly needed a drink. Is it just me or is DC expanding? I, once again, spent my Saturday evening at a crowded popular DC bar, called Rumors. It is located at 1900 M St. near Farragut Square and Dupont Circle. If this bar had been located in like Iowa, Indiana, even some remote spot in DC like say Crystal City (J I live there so don’t get mad) I would have loved the bar. The problem was the amount of people in the place could have fit in the new Nationals Stadium! It was maxed out!! Maybe it’s just me, but when I go to a bar I enjoy having room to dance and breathe, I don’t like when dancing is mandatory because the people are so close next to you that everyone sort of has to sway with the crowd. I’ve got moves people!! How am I supposed to break it down, with all those people cramping my style?! It is also frustrating when Cambouri comes all the way from New York to go out for the evening and she spent half of it in line waiting for people to leave the bar because it was at capacity at around 11:00pm. I even pleaded with the bouncer if he would let my gorgeous, BALLERINA friend into the bar, because 1. she is hot, 2. she was by herself, and 3. SHE WAS COLD! He just stood there and grunted negatively…ugh, I hate bouncers like that, there should be an unspoken rule that girls should not have to stand in line by themselves. So my conclusion, it would be a lot of fun if it was reasonably packed and didn’t cost $5 dollars to get into an overcrowded dance floor that they tried to call a bar. I would suggest going early and leaving early. Personally, I like having room to enjoy myself and when a place is that overcrowded it’s just not fun anymore.
In other news, HR pulled me aside today. Basically, she told me in a closed door meeting that it doesn’t look like the position I want will be available for at least 6 months or more…soo…..Tonight’s Mission If I can Stomach it: Plan my life….
Option 1: New Job
Option 2: Stay, but they will incorporate a training program with all the information I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN to HELP ME on my career path….further details still to come
So…I have a lot of soul searching to do. WISH ME LUCK!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Valentine’s Day Surprises are a treat
In other news, my job still is in a standstill…Just waiting for a decisions… let’s just hope it comes sooner rather than later. I am starting to get antsy and I had a slight mental breakdown last night, knowing I had to go to work today, and my brain went colliding with the internet frantically searching for culinary school options, hospitality school options, jobs in California, jobs in DC…and not knowing what to do. Ten calmly talked me down, giving me a plan, which is exactly what I needed. A plan that just until the end of the summer we will definitely be staying in DC and that’s all I needed to know. And like that the fever abated, the sweating cooled to a slight damp drizzle, and I used the extra adrenaline to do a full scale clean of my room, dusting to changing sheets, to getting rid of unnecessary clutter.
I am sorry I have been such a bad blogger lately. I do appreciate all the good vibe comments you guys have been giving me. I just have been so consumed by my own life I haven’t been able to concentrate on others.
Thanks for dealing with my selfishness!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Frustratingly Mute in Georgetown
Option one: go with my awesome big boss to the other hotel which would be hotel W (all offices use to just be in one, lets call it M Hotel, the other W Hotel had to have offices built to accommodate the split). My job would be unknown for the next couple weeks but would involve event planning, conference planning, accounting, HR, mail sorting, and any other odd, end detail which would, upon the hotel settling down, lead to Event Planner Extraordinaire.
Option 2: Stay with M hotel, suck it up until the new GM of M hotel approves my move to the restaurant (recall this is top 15 restaurants in the country, and the best in DC). I understood this process might take um, maybe 2 weeks…
Option 3: Stay with M hotel, and be a sales manager…yuck, yuck, spit! But the most money probably…
So I chose Option 2. I want to work at the restaurant. I have been working towards that goal for the past year. I applied there originally but there were no jobs at the time. That is where I want to be. I want to mingle with the upper-crusty Washingtonians. I want to dine on exquisite food, and I want to be able to say, “oh, Chef, that was divine! I want to do that during the Inauguration when we will be filled with only the most powerful people in the world!”
It’s my turn. I spent the past year working my soul into this place, I made myself inreplaceable to the hotel…unfortunately I have become a little too irreplaceable.
Problem: The new GM of hotel M arrived last week. AND WONT LET ME LEAVE! He is delaying the approval of my new position, because shocker…he doesn’t want to have to let me go and rehire someone. He wants to keep me as an assistant and supposedly promote me, or so he says to sales manager! NO, I DON’T WANT THAT!! I WANT THE RESTAURANT!! I want to be yelled at in French by the hottie exec chef who calls me “Pretty Girl” when he is not yelling at me (sorry Ten, but you know its true!).
So let me describe the last couple days that have gotten me so emotionally distressed that I have not been able to blog, let alone even read other blogs…
Last Thursday: Our new Director of Sales comes in, introduces herself (we will call her DOS) and says Conference Planner, other Assistant (the one I play phone games with) lets meet. They go into her office leaving me at my desk, and she begins to introduce herself, her goals while she is here, how long she expects to be here, others she expects to hire etc….Things that I believe everyone on the “team” should know…for the first time in over a year, I felt like I was not part of the team. I was demoted to assistant, phone answerer, and bitch. How did that happen between 8 am and 8:15 I don’t know. Immediately, new GM walks in, says “HI, I’m your new GM.” Looks around and then says to me, “ This office is disgusting, you need to clean the walls off with any other companys materials, you need to dust, through things away that don’t need to be here etc”. SO between 8:15 and 8:30 I was demoted even further to well…housekeeping/assistant, slash bottom dweller…urgh…ok, the tears begin to pool out of anger. I spend the rest of the day Thursday, answering phones and watching the other assistant get his promotion and move into his big new office (dungeon space). The GM calls me into this office and asks, “What are your plans?”
“I am going to move up to the restaurant”
“Um, I don’t know if that is the best move for right. And since I need to approve that move, I wanted to let you know that I think we will have to wait on that.”
“Um, what do you mean?”
“Well, since I have to approve the move, and since we don’t have anyone to replace you right now, it just doesn’t seem like the best time for such a move.”
“My friend is interested in my postion, I can bring her in tomorrow.”
“That is wonderful, bring her in, I need an assistant.”
Basically he decides that until he can talk to the Chef who is out of town until THURSDAY!! He wont be able to make any decisions about my job here. And not only that, he tells me unless the restaurant job is 90% administrative it isn’t a good move right now since that is really the only thing they need. And I know the job that they want me for is not an admin job…I think he just wants to deny them offering me a higher salary which they promised me!
So Basically, I am being denied everything I had been promised, and being demoted on top of that…The tears begin to overflow. HOT ANGRY TEARS! THIS IS NOT MY FAULT! You cant just come in here and mess up everything I have worked for! I run to the HR Director, a girl just a few years older who is awesome, and tell her everything, as I am sobbing. In the past year, I have had one major meltdown and no others…The first day of this new company and I am already in tears.
(a little side note, I had asked HR if I could have a flat screen computer monitor that was in accounting that wasn’t being used as I had the smallest desk in the office and the largest computer monitor. She said yes. I took it and put it under my desk as I couldn’t ever find anyone to help me switch them and I cannot lift the mammoth screen on my desk by myself. So there it has been sitting for the past month. The greedy other assistant, says to me on Thursday of course, “Can I have that flat screen monitor sitting under your desk.” “No, I need it, I just haven’t been able to switch it yet and as I may be moving I don’t want to move it for nothing.” “But I need it for my new office.” “No you don’t, now that you have a new office you definitely don’t need a smaller monitor, since you have a big old desk and your own room!!” “But I want it” “UM, NO!”)
Friday: I walk in, and there under my desk is an empty space. Other assistant had taken my computer monitor even though I had said no. I couldn’t take it. I was being denied my promotion, people were treating me like shit, and he goes and takes the one little thing that was keeping me stable, the one prospect that I might still be moving to Citronelle. HOT TEARS AGAIN ERUPT! I run into Conference Planner’s office, “I’m leaving! I can’t take this shit anymore. This isn’t fair. How dare he do that, who does he think he is, treating me like that and taking other peoples stuff!” “Calm down, Tell me what happened” “he stole my computer monitor!” “what?!”
Other assistant walks in, probably because he knows he is in trouble, “I Didn’t steal it, I went and took another monitor from accounting, and the GM said I had to put mine back, and when I told him you had one, he also said I had to put yours back, but then he said I could keep yours. So I did.”
I was so angry!!TEARS ANGER GRRR!!! It’s the point that matters. I don’t care about the computer monitor. I don’t care about his promotion, I care that he thinks since he is above me he can do anything he wants know. I care that he thinks that what he did is ok. I care that he doesn’t have at least a little respect to understand that I am not currently happy about my position, and you are going to rub it in that you get to move. And the least little thing you can do is TAKE SOMETHING FROM ME!! Because you want a cool office! HOW INCONSIDERATE! UGH!! SO FRUSTRATED!!
So day 2…begins in tears again…One year NO TEARS. Two days, Two Tears/melt downs.
I wrote my old boss, Big Boss, an email, just telling him how unhappy I was, How I was sad that he wasn’t around anymore, that the office wasn’t the same without our team together, and how much I truly appreciate him now. He called me from Florida where apparently he had been on a business meeting and just the sound of his voice, knowing that he cared enough to tell me how sorry he was, how he hated to hear me so upset, I burst into tears again! THREE TIMES!! IN TWO DAYS! It was just the difference between the new and the old. The old was caring, warm and fuzzy, the new was cold, indifferent and frustratingly mute about my future.
Anyways, situation hasn’t been solved yet. HR talked to DOS and told her I was feeling undervalued, and ignored. DOS apologized to me and said she had been so worried about other thing she had kinda forgotten how I might feel during this time.
So I guess that is ok. I am working hard so they know that my job is not to be an assistant. But in terms of my career, the GM of the restaurant keeps telling me to relax, he promises everything will work out. I assume it will, but it has been frustrating being put on the backseat, back burner, watch others around me be promoted, do more while I just sit in my normal desk, my normal chair and keep still. I guess until Chef comes back in town my future remains cloudy.
I guess I should remember that no matter what despite my work life, I have a wonderful boyfriend who doesn’t care that I blow my nose constantly, that I hack luggies like its my job, and will still kiss me even if I have a cold sore on my tongue (well, not with tongue) of course.
Ugh, I hope everyone has had a better past couple days. I apparently have a lot of catching up to do, considering my reader says I have like 48 new entries to read…
Monday, February 4, 2008
V-day Updates/Hints:

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Valentines Day Ideas...ah oh...
So I know Super Bowl is coming up but as I dont care much about what I am doing for it beyond spending it with Ten, my friends, watching the ads, and eating/making great food (and Ole Miss promised to teach me to play guitar hero, which I have heard amazing things about) I thought I might see what people's valentine's day plans are?
I had planned this great little trip to Ski Roundtop about 2 hours outside of DC. Apparently they have the most adult friendly Snow tubing hills (meaning fast :) ). I had assumed my mom would be back in town and I could borrow her car...well, after all my planning I guess they are right to say "assume- makes an ass out of u and me" because my mom won't be in town...of as I cant find an alternate way to get out there without paying a crazy amount in "under 25" rental car fees, we will have to go another time when a car is avaliable. Well, Ten suggested last night that he would think of something fun for valentines, maybe to most people that sounds normal, guy plans nice romantic surprise for valentines day, including wine, dinner and jewlery. that is not Ten. Ten is too relaxed, too casual, I feel like we never even went on real dates when we first started dating, don't get me wrong there was dinner involved but more activites which is how I prefer it. I prefer making memories over getting material items. I love romance as much as the next girl but in my opinion the most important thing is to do something memorable for both of us so we have stories to tell our kids (one day) and because it always just feels the most personal and romantic. Just Ten is not the best at doing these sorts of dates...this is my area.
However, almost always, not always, BUT ALMOST ALWAYS, I plan it. I am the event planner, the organizer, the anal time keeper. Maybe I am overly-obsessive control freak (which I am) I just always have better ideas..humph....But my plans fell through and in my moment of sadness over plans not being able to happen, i unwittlying agreed to let Ten plan something....oh no....i just hope it doesnt involve staying home watching football....
So I will let you all know what ends up happening and if I get any hints... so i can steer him away from any bad ideas....
What is everyone's plans for valentine's day? Single or Not Single.
V-day is not that bad. It is a day about love, not just for your significant other but for your friends and family!! If you are single spend it with your friends, or spend it with your family! Its a day to celebrate love, something we sometimes take advantage of.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Restaurant Review- Matchbox

From the outside, this restaurant is reminiscent of Mary Poppin’s bag gone modern chic. At all hours of the evening, too many people than actually looks possible, can be seen walking in and out of the small front door. Ole Miss and I stopped by Il Fado, an irish pub located on 7th street around the corner, for a little happy hour fun before our dinner at Matchbox. We had two beers (being forced to chug our second beer, as we were late for our reservation and they wouldn’t seat the party until we were all there) so were slightly tipsy when we showed up, pushing our way through the sardine can door and the business casual happy hour bunchs that were swarming the bar. Turns out, the restaurant looks small from the inside but actually extends upwards with a funky invisible staircase (not sure if that is the correct architectural colloquial), they were the type of stairs that you could imagine your freak death as you plunged between two steps as they did not have a base (small people like me have to worry about that sort of stuff). There were 3 floors (or at least that is how many I counted) and the 6 of us were seated on the 2nd floor in a cozy booth. Slightly too small but we didn’t mind, we were all friends J.
One of my favorite things about Matchbox was the wine list…As I love wine, but don’t know that much about it, I loved the selection. There was bottles of wine us twentysomething professionals could afford as well as more expensive ones and even half bottles for us light weights. Ten ordered this great beer called Allagash White, that he is still raving about. The pizza was absolutely delicious!! I caution, Ole Miss and I were tipsy but we ordered the tomato, buffalo mozzarella pizza and could have gone to heaven. It was a little too much cheese for me but as I like no cheese pizza, that doesn’t say much, but it was great. The crust was absolutely perfect and it had that great fire cooked taste, as they cook their pizzas over a wood burning oven. Ole Miss and I were in such heaven we ate the whole pizza and then still wanted more. The one thing we didn’t get to try but will have to go back for is the slider’s. As I am not a meat eater most of the time, & I do my very best to avoid meat, you cannot understand how good the slider’s look. Matchbox is known for these little pieces of dead cow heaven. I saw awards all over the bathroom walls for their slider’s and was sad no one at the table ordered them so I could taste, which of course means until I actually have a bite, I will forever crave one.
So overall, I would give it 4 thumbs up! It was delicious and even the price was not too bad.
The rest of my weekend was nice, I babysat my parent’s puppy and took her to the dog park. The only other extraordinary thing that happened, was when Ten and I were almost killed by a stampede of 20 deer in Rock Creek Park. We had taken the puppy to Rock Creek to the Dog park. These people had given us awful looks for allowing our dogs off the leash, yah people, we are rebels…and they had taken off on this other path. All of us sudden a stampede of like 20 deer maybe more, came hurtling through the woods right through the path that the evil people had taken!! I cant imagine what it was like to be them!! It was scary enough being across the street. Of course the puppy took off after them, but after some strict yelling and the realization that she wouldn’t catch the deer and even if she caught them she wouldn’t know what to do then, she came back.
So that was a recap of my weekend. Check out Matchbox if you get a chance. It was delicious and I highly recommend it!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
P.S. I had another snake nightmare last night. This time I was in a cabin and there was this angry rattlesnake chasing a friend and me. I got out of the cabin and ran and found Ten in another cabin. I started screaming about the rattlesnake and he was like, “let me go see” and he went out and didn’t tell me that there was a cobra and rattlesnake in his cabin also, and I had woken them up with all my screaming and so I was left all alone with an angry cobra and rattlesnake in the rafters hissing and spitting at me. The cobra bit my hand and I woke up. Just thinking about it I get the creepers. Of course, it was 6:30 am, about 15 mins till my alarm was going to go off, and I had to complete my ritual of turning on the lights, checking my bed for loose cobras, relaxing myself and thinking of everything none-snake related but it just wasn’t possible so I just ended up just getting up…not much of a way to wake up in the morning…yuck…
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Knuckle Head/Bird Brain - Take your Pick
So the most annoying woman works in the accounting office at work. In my bosses words, “Knuckle Head” and “Bat Brain” accurately describe her in a nice way….Well she annoys the shit out of me, because she can’t figure life out basically, and her job, so I always end up having to do it for her, even though she is not even in my department. Last week, she flies into my office like a “bat out of hell” and is like, “You can’t lock your office tonight I need the pencil sharpener!” I have this look, that I just cant control, where if I am annoyed or think you are saying something stupid you will see it on my face and I basically pause and wait till the other person realizes what they just said sounded so stupid that they don’t even deserve a response. So I am giving “Worm Brain” this look, and finally of course the look goes over her head, and I say “I am not leaving our offices unlocked so you can use a pencil sharpener. How about you take the pencil sharpener out of the office and put it in your office for the night?” She looks at me as if I spoke jibberish…So I take the pencil sharpener, unplug it and bring it to her office, putting it on the table next to her desk and tell her it is there if she needs it.
So one week later, again flying like she is actually doing something besides wandering around lost in the office (which is the more likely story), “where is the pencil sharpener?!” I calmly tell her, “Rememeber I put it in your office. I assume it is still there…”
She storms out as if she was upset I didn’t magically produce a sharpener out of my ass and plug it into my head and sharpen her pencil with my ear.
She comes back and I ask her, “Did you find it?” Her reply, “It wasn’t plugged in…" then more gibberish that I don’t understand…some grumbling…" But I guess I can plug it in myself. Ugh!”
Yes, Batty! Plug in that god damn Sharpener yourself, if you can’t even figure that out then you are in the wrong profession. I don’t even want to go into the Stamp Machine Incident, where I thought she was going to start crying when I insisted she put it in her office since I was sick of being commanded to refill it for her since it was next to my desk and I don’t use the damn stamp machine…needless to say…I refill it…but I always wait till it runs out and wait for her to ask me to do it, and then she cant mail the stuff she wants to because I tell her I am busy and will have to do it later… HA, so there…
I really am a spiteful bitch! I promise :)
Great Shoes but still bad mood

These, My new Circa Joan & David Riding Boots (they are water resistant also!! Yay, I finally have a weapon against the rain and snow! and they aren't those ugly rain boots!)
Things are still in constant shift in my life. I don’t know what I am doing yet and as soon as I know I promise to update.
Instead today I thought in anticipation of Valentine’s day, I will make a most-listen to mix for Singles/Heartbreak that got me through every day that Ten and I weren’t together. And then as Valentine’s day approachs I will do a happy version for Happy Couples.
The reason I thought I would do the Singles/Heartbreak is I heard the best/funniest song the other day called:
“Not Big” by Lily Allen
Favorite Lyrics:
“Yeah, you really must think you're great,Let's see how you feel in a couple of weeks,When I work my way through your mates
Yeah, let's rewind, let's turn back time to when you couldn't get it up,You know what it should've ended there,That's when I should've shown you the door.As if that weren't enough to deal with,You became premature.
You're not big, you're not clever,”
Other Great break up songs:
The Fall Out Boy CD: From Under the Cork Tree, almost all of those are great, here are my favorites:
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
So wear me like a locket around your throatI'll weigh you downI'll watch you chokeYou look so good in blueYou look so good in blue
7 minutes in Heaven
Fav Lyrics:
I'm sleeping my way out of this oneWith anyone who will lie downI'll be stuck fixated on one starWhen the world is crashing downI’m sitting out dances on the wallTrying to forget everything that isn't youI'm not going home aloneCause I don't do too well on my own
Title: XO
Last time, I hoped you chokedAnd crashed your car Hey, tear catcher, that's all that you are And ever were From the start I swear, I say
Panic At The Disco- A Fever You Cant Sweat Out Is a great CD
This is my Favorite but you should definitely check out that CD:
Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Lyrics: Is it still me that makes you sweat?Am I who you think about in bed?When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dressThen think of what you didAnd how I hope to God he was worth itWhen the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skinI've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuckThan any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Other Great Fall Out Boy Songs
Title: Love Will Tear us Apart
Why is the bedroom so coldturned away on your side?Is my timing that flawed?our respect run so dry..Yet there's still this appealthat we've kept through our livesLove, love will tear us apart again [x4]
Switchblades and Infidelity
Walking out on the show is walking out on youAnd walking out on you still the best thing that I ever did.Well, I'm looking out at you obscured by the stand up arcadeAnd the sound of the descendant’s.Your smile reminds me of switchblades and infidelity.
Pros and Cons of Breathing
Whoa, I want to hate you half as much as I hate myselfYou know that I could crush you with my voiceStood on my roof and tried to see you forgetting about meHide the details, I don’t want to know a thingI hate the way you say my name like it’s something secretMy pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on
Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today
Lyrics: (Particularly gruesome)
Let's play this game called "When You Catch Fire"I wouldn't piss to put you outStop burning bridges and driving off of themSo I can forget about you
So bury me in memory his smile's your ropeSo wrap it tight around your throatOn the drive homeJoke about the kid you used to see, and his jealousyBreaking hearts has never looked so coolAnd when you wrap your car around a treeYour makeup looks so great next to his teeth
Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here)
Every friend we ever had in commonI will sever the tie, sever the tie with youYou can thank your lucky starsThat everything I wish for will never come trueWhen you go I will forget everything about you (I-I've seen sinking ships go down with more grace than you)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
First Lesson I learned on my trip: NEVER EVER TAKE CHINATOWN BUS!
By all means, take Vamoose, book Grey Hound for the same price online, or splurge and take Acela…it is never ever worth the agony and pain for $15 less.
Ten and I met at Starbucks in Chinatown. As usual, I was a stress ball (my nickname from Freckles and Ten), anxiously staring at my watch as we only had 40 mins to make it to the bus (the bus was located 2 blocks away and in my mind, after my many travels in foreign countries, I have learned that you are never “safe” until you are actually on the bus.) We bought our snacks and water and after a horribly scaring incident in the Starbucks bathroom where I was unable to actually pee do to said experience and a uncharacteristically pleasant incident using the Chinatown bus bathroom which in comparison to Starbucks was spotless) we were bladder-emptied, safely seated on the bus without a hitch.
5:30 pm- Chinatown bus leaves on time. (WHAT! I know…) So we were off to a great start, till 10 mins later we found ourselves in nose to tail traffic. We crawled away for the next 2 hours, Ten listening to music and getting a call from his boss about possible full time position (as his current position is technically “Intern”), and I was reading my newly purchased “Glamour” and at the exact same time as Ten got his call, I got a call from a Hotel in West Hollywood (which is another story). 2 Hours and 15 mins later: I notice the front of the bus starts turning around with eyes wide open in horror, surprise, shock and other emotions that apparently are felt when a person sees massive plumes of smoke coming out the back of the bus. Yes, Massive Black Plumes of Smoke.
7: 45 pm: We pulled off of into a deserted parking lot off of Exit 87. Our bus was dead...
This was the dead time, we were all questioning, wondering what was happening, reviewing the situation, checking out exactly how stranded we were (3 miles to nearest gas station)...
9:15 pm: At this point, there was still no helpful information coming from the driver, the passengers began to actually make friends with their neighbors, GASP! Some great questions coming from the peanut gallery included, “So how long do you think we will be sitting here? Do you expect another bus is coming? Has this happened to you before? Do you think we will be forced to start a Bus Gang and mug passersby for food and water for the rest of our lives?” (true real life question)
The hunger and thirst began to overcome us, and rather than reenact the Donner Party, someone had the great idea to figure out that we were stranded off Exit 85 and the closest Pizza Hut was at this number. Immediately, everyone was on their cell phones, phone calls sounding like, “Hi, I am with that stranded bus group off exit 85, I’d like to place an order for delivery.”
10:00 pm: 2 hours and 15 mins from smoke billowing incident, the 7:30 chinatown bus showed up next to us. Most of us where ecstatic! Another bus has come!! But of course, it was an almost full bus that only allowed the first 10 people on. As Ten and I were not the first ten people on the bus and did not feel like stampeding the passengers in front of us, we watched with sadness as our bus emptied slightly and the 7:30 went on to the Big Apple without us. Luckily the melancholy mood on the bus did not last that long, because unlike the Titanic, the lack of space on the 730 bus did not mean death, and the pizza showed up as the 730 bus was departing! YAY!
The gnawing in our bellies was finally satiated as a slightly confused pizza delivery woman came onto the bus to provide us with 8 pizzas, lots of water and sodas (to note: Chinatown bus did not pay for any of this).
Highlight of the evening was the girl sitting behind me, realizing that she would not be making it to the big apple in time for the party she was attending pulled out 2 bottles of Kettle One and proceeded to pass it around the bus!! PARTY on the stranded Chinatown bus!!
After the pizza and vodka was finished we settled in for a movie. Good old Chinatown bus driver (still not providing us any information, ominously put a movie on, we hoped it wasn’t a sign of exactly how long he was expecting us to stay) and unfortunately for us, 15 mins into the movie, the bus battery died…as the lights dimmed, the heat slowly dissipated, we wondered if maybe our bus was fated to end like poor Lyuba (the 40, 000 year old Baby mammoth found perfectly in-tact after being frozen in Russia).
But luckily for us only 45 mins later at
11:00 pm: Our recovery bus arrived. We pryed our frozen hands from our neighbors that we had huddled close to for warmth and we made it onto the bus. The entire bus (luckily not the driver) fell directly asleep. I awoke around 1:45 am as the bus was careening into New York City. I assume the bus was going at 80 miles an hour through the Lincoln Tunnel, I grabbed onto Ten's hands for dear life as each bump in the road caused the bus to catch air and land and continue on a death hurtle towards the Big Apple. But to our delights, the bus did not crash into the big apple, it stumbled its way to Penn Station, where the nightmare was almost over.
Instead of trekking to 110th St. to Cambouri’s house we stayed with Ten’s friend who lived nearby in the Village. 3:00 AM finally came and we found ourselves being offered reclining chairs to rest our heads….hmm…had I not been so tired I would have protested but beggars can’t be choosers. We awoke the next morning with cricks in our necks and a very tired disposition, which took 2 cups of coffee to begin to cure. And a long subway ride for me to get very very lost on which definitely woke me up.
My recommendation number 1:
YUCA BAR in the Village was amazing. The best brunch for only 12.95 it included mimosa (bloody mary or screwdriver) and coffee and tea and the most delicious Huevos Rancheros.
I met my long lost friend from Arizona (we will call her LT), and Cambouri for this fabulous brunch. LT and Cambouri had their eggs scrambled while I got mine over-easy. They came on top of a black-bean quesadilla with guacamole, green huevos rancheros sauce, salsa and sour cream. AMAZING!!
We spent 2 hours catching up on life, men, and jobs (The 3 necessities) and laughing (possibly due to the mimosa & my sleep deprivation, and possibly due to my pleasure to see both LT and Cambouri).
After brunch, Cambouri and I gallivanted across the city, seeing different sights, and hanging out. We bought some accessories for the night and of course the “shorty” bottle of Grey Goose to drink while we got ready. After spending some re-cooping time on Cambouri’s couch I made a mistake, I did not have the 3rd cup of coffee I would need to stay up for the rest of the evening…
Lesson 2: Always drink a cup of coffee before you go out! Especially if you are sleep deprived already!
After taking the subway ride into the city for the 4th time in one day, we ended up at another one of
Blonde Features Recommendations for NYC on a budget:
Cooper 35 – Asia Pub. This restaurant was located in the East Village on Cooper street.
The $4 dollar drink menu was amazing ( we drank Sea Breezes all night out of large glasses with Bobo Tea type straws) and nothing was over $7 dollars and most was like 5 or 6 and they all came with individual portions of rice. It was amazing! The bill was insanely cheap for the 12 people who came to dinner.
After the chaos of dining with 12 people, we made our way by Cabs to Lucky Jacks, A bar in the East Village. Um, I wouldn’t exactly put it on my list as it was crowded, too hot in the basement area where we were, I was also so tired that Ten was leaning me up against a wall for most of the night, as my eyes drooped lower and lower. Finally, after my insistence that I was fine, I wasn’t tired, and I would no way want to sleep on the reclining chairs again…I was magically placed in a cab (I think I had fallen asleep) and whisked away to the reclining chair of my choice. I ate a little bit of pizza from Joe's which as I remember was very good and slowly drifted to sleep in a reclining chair that decided to not recline that night. I awoke at 6 am with a tummy ache, another crick in my neck and the thought that I would rather wake up, and go get on the train to Poughkeepsie (our next stop to visit my parents) and sleep on the train then spend any more time in this hell. However, I managed to fall back asleep.
My alarm went off at 10am and after much coxing & swearing that I was a fool for making plans so early, (mostly coming from Ten), I got him out of his reclining chair, packed up and headed on our way to our last stop, Poughkeepsie.
My parents just moved to Poughkeepsie which is a small town in upstate NY about 2 hours by train. We hung out with my parents, Ten and my dad watched the football game, we went to a great dinner (the Culinary Institute is located there) and finally got my mom, the dog, Ten and I out of Poughkeepsie and onto home.
So that was my weekend trip to NYC.
I blame the Chinatown bus for ruining my weekend due to lack of sleep I did not get to stay out as late as I planned celebrating with Cambouri and friends. But there will always be a next time and I know better now than to trust my weekend with Chinatown Bus and I hope this is a warning for a future commuters!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Nightmares or scary movie scripts trying to claw their way out of my brain?
1. I get nightmares, reoccurring dreams where I spend the whole night screaming in different scenarios (whether I am fighting with someone or scared I spend the whole night in my dream screaming), and I have chatter dreams where I stay up all night having these dreams where my inner monologue decides to walk out of my brain and stand in front of my bed and have a conversation with me all night.
Last night it was a chatting dream. Those are the ones I get when I go to bed tipsy and I am worried about being tired for work the next morning. Last night I spent the whole night, dreaming that I was at this concert on a hill, and I was there with friends, and we met these very very cute boys like hot boys and one of them liked me and he kept asking me to go out with him, and I kept saying no because I had a boyfriend, and that was how I spent the whole night, denying myself a hot sex dream with a godly looking man crush because I am so loyal to my boyfriend that not even in my sleep will I cheat on him... but I did steal one kiss or maybe two in the eight hours I was asleep, I wasn’t that good….
I get freakishly wierd nightmares, please find below some of my most recent nightmares:
1. I call this one “Dead Dogs” Because I am basically on a quest to save the world, of course, from this disease that I am immune to (I was also in another country when it hit, kinda “I AM Legend” But before "I am legend" came out, I promise) and find myself walking uphill along an avenue towards a castle, and every few mins, a see a dead dog lying on the ground, then another, then 2, then 3 and soon I am walking on dead dogs because they are covering the street, and then dead people start become mixed in with dead dogs…I think that is when I wake up…
2. I dreamt that Ten and his family and my family are staying at this cottage in the countryside somewhere. Another country takes over the United States by sending an airborne disease around the country, knocking out all the military and the president etc. and they go around rounding up people putting them in concentration camps (WW2 style). But since we were in the countryside away from the big cities we just know what is going on via radio and we all think we are safe, until 2 weeks into the occupation, they discover our hidden cottage in the countryside and round us up separating Ten and I. and then I wake Up.
- I used to dream that a man would stare at my roommates and I through the air conditioner vent in our rooms. Even though we don’t have air conditioner vents, we have radiators.
- One of my favorite nightmares are the paralysis ones. I just bought an eye mask for when I sleep with Ten and he stays up all night reading. Ten usually takes it off me when I fall asleep (usually to wear it himself because he thinks the street lamps are too bright), however I drove him to the airport one morning super early and came home and put it on to sleep. In my dream, I imagined that I was trying to wake up and discovered that I had been bound and gagged, totally paralyzed unable to move my arms or scream for help. So I am trying to scream, open my eyes, and trying to bang on the wall behind my head which is shared with my roommate to wake her up so she can come save me. I swear there is a man at the bottom of my bed watching over me till finally I wake myself up and pull off the mask with a rush of adrenaline and relief when I realize it was all just a dream.
- Another great one was the dream I had where a cobra had gotten loose in my room and I couldn’t get to my cell phone to call 911 and I swore it had gotten into my bed, and I woke up in a fit, threw all the blankets off my bed, jumped onto the floor and ran to the lights and turned them on all before I realizing that I had been sleeping and there probably wasn’t a cobra in my bed.
- My All Time Favorite reoccurring nightmare/dream:
On occasion, I have this dream that begins right as I am semi-conscious mood. I dream that I am walking down some stairs usually in a garden but sometimes just on the street and I will misstep and fall like a whole flight of stairs. Instead of actually falling, I have this whole body tremor thing where my whole body shakes, moving the bed about three inches in both directions, simultaneously, I bolt upright saying “I’m Falling!” and basically scaring the shit of Ten who is quietly reading next to me.
I have this weird tremor thing on occasion, so it is getting to the point where Ten is on edge the whole time he is reading waiting for the moment where I will convulse as if the Devil himself has, at that very moment, decided to jump into my body and reenact numerous scenes from the Exercist. It’s like once I close my eyes, he hears the Jaws music begins to play, ‘duh nu, duh nu, duh nu duh nu duhnuduhnu…..DAAA!” and sometimes Jaws appears and sometimes he does not.
So I was going to blog about other things but I some how started thinking about my dreams and decided to share a few of my faves.

Anyone else have wierd dreams? or have that whole body tremor thing that scares the shit out of your partner?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I am a Jean Shopping Goddess
One thing that I did not put on the 7 random things about me that should have been number one is :
I have a Jean Obsession. Not just any type of Jean, but let me tell you about my favorite friends in order of my personal preferences and the amount current sitting in my jean drawer that has had to expand to a jean chest and a summer/cropped jean box hiding till summer comes back:
1. Paige Denim (1 pair, my current nighttime favorite)
2. Rock and Republics (2 pairs, my old nighttime favorite, must be altered as I have lost weight, again! and a cropped pair for summer fun)
3. Citizens of Humanity (1 Pair, my NEWEST FABULOUS PURCHASE THANKS TO CUSP!)
3. J Brand Jeans (1 Pair, my white pair because you can't go all summer without white jeans)
3. Adriano Goldschmid (AG Jeans) (2 Pairs, 1 Current daytime favorite, 1 Old daytime fav)
6. Joes Jeans (3 pairs, Old day and night fav's, again must be altered due to weight loss issue)
7. Sevens (2 pairs, trusty day pair and corduroy because sometimes you want that crunchy look and still be fabulous)
8. Lucky's (not really designer but i still like them) , ( 2 pairs, My boyfriend style jeans that I do love for hikes in the woods and daytime wear only)
(I have others but as they are not designer they are solely for laundry day).
So on that note: I Must speak to my new Citizens and my friend Richard at the Cusp retailer near me:
Thank you, Thank you my dear Cusp store (convienently located next door) for the sale that brought my new Arrowhead citizens to me. They will be accompanying me to New York where they will be making my already fabulous bottom (have I mentioned my favorite assest is my ASS! which may explain the jean obsession) look hot and chic at any East Village Club I may be attending Saturday evening. Please see below for pictures of new fabulous pair that I must say at the low low price of $75 I would suggest you run, not walk, to your nearest Cusp store or check out for some of the amazing jean sales that are currently going on at online retailers near you.
I will also be at your service for any jean questions you may have. I can tell you about all of the above Jean brands, including my knowledge that:
1. Jeans made of %100 cotton will stretch out (Sevens unfortunatly has such problems)
2. Jeans made with 98% cotton and 2% elastin hold their shape much more efficiently (take Paige denim, and AG jeans, and my newest pair of citizens)
3. 1% elastin does hold shape well but can lead to saggy butt syndrom so if possible please wash after every 2 wearings (please include J Brand Jeans, Rock and Republics, and Lucky's in that category).
4. I can tell you that Paige denim is the best jeans for say, larger girls, I did not say Fat, I am saying larger which is not bad, some girls are not size 24 and have to have every jean altered, but they will do your slightly larger ass look say "juicy" vs. "saggy".
5. For smaller, petite girls Please check out: Frankie B Jeans (watch for plumber butt syndrome as those are dangerously low, and as I have enough to worry about I stay away usually), as well as J brand, and AG jeans which all fit me quite fabulously.
So those are my hints to start you all on your Jean Quest. Good Luck and I wish you Good Sales!
Oh there was this really cute pair of Taverniti Jeans but as I am new to the brand and am poor I only bought one...another day another pair of jeans.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
4 x4 = 24 so we win right?
Tuesday Tutoring! Last night was the second week. I shadowed another tutor. I shadowed the cutest first grade boy (unfortunately his tutor was not as cute as the boy was). Basically I just watched and kinda helped a little bit while we did homework and worked on basic addition and subtraction (not my strong point).
So memorable Blonde Feature Quote of the night: "4 x 4 = 24 , so I win"
Does anyone remember that game 24 from when we were younger. It may have been a DC PS thing but it basically is a card game that helps practice quick addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. So i put an example below. But the object of the game is come up with as many ways as possibly to make 24 using any sort of the above arthimatic. Well the card I had had a 4 and a 4 and a 2 and a 6. So I am showing Ole Miss (this is my friend who does tutoring with me) how to play and I pick up the card and I am like, " this was my worst nightmare as a kid. I could never do it right. "
Ole Miss: "How does it work?"
BF: "well, basically, you try and make 24, so 4 x 4 = 24, so I have one way.."
There was no calling me out or anything. Ole Miss just let that comment fade into the infamous BF quote hall of fame.
I walked away as i was assigned to a kid. I can only imagine Ole Miss' crying in her head for the poor kid I was about to try and teach math too...

Later that night, we had the boyfriends meet us at Jaleo for their first introduction (always very awkward because we all know boys just do things differently).
Jaleo's half pitcher red wine Sangria is amazing and for only 12 dollars you cant beat it!! Us girls got drunk and the boys awkwardly chatted with each of us instead of the boy introduction behavior...anyways...
Ole Miss asked for some more "Wed Wine" and I totally called her out on it. and she was like well i was going to let this go but nice "4 x 4 = 24 comment today..."
Some part of me had an inkling that I had gotten that wrong earlier and we both cracked up laughing!!! We had a lot of fun, us girls did anyways, and I am so excited for a possible girls trip to visit London in Miami!
Promise to keep you updated on any changes but if anyone can figure out a way for me to get someone to pay for me to travel around the world I promise to take you with me.
Will Write Funny Travel Articles for Plane Tickets to Hong Kong....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Dear "Love Doctors":
When Ten and I first moved to DC from California we lived at my parents house.
I am sick to death of people thinking I am weird for being ok with the fact that Ten does not want to get married till he is 26. What is so wrong with living in the same building and not actually living together? Why did my relationship decidedly move backwards when we didn’t move in together after we lived together (IN MY PARENTS HOUSE, may I remind you)?
The question I am posing to you all is, at 23 is there really such a rush to nail down that ring and notarized paper that says, what little money Ten and I have must be shared? Would it be so wrong if we took jobs in different cities because it just might be better for the individual or am I required to constantly think about my boyfriend or be scrutinized by others as my relationship might be failing?
To all you worried folks out there about my relationship with Ten…Please do not worry. Ten and I could not be more perfect if Romeo and Juliet actually lived at the end. Ten and I are more in love than we have ever been before, more in sync, and just infatuated with each other. We discuss marriage, we both want to, but we want to do it on our terms. Please stop making me feel like I must push for that ring. I don’t need that ring, I just need Ten right now.
Ten and I might have to make a hard decision which may involve long distance. My friend Freckles said to that, “why would you do long distance, why don't you move with him. Don’t you want to be with him?”
My answer to her and all other inquiring voices is, sometimes it is not always about him, sometimes it’s about me and at 23 that is ok!
Thank you for listening to my rant. I hope we all learned something. Please don’t judge a relationship that you are not in. I know I do that too (and frequently) but Ten and I are ok. We are better for not living together (he has not killed me for the mess that I call my room) and I don’t kill him for staying up all night reading (and by all night I mean past 10:30).

Monday, January 14, 2008
Whats your favorite?

Friday, January 11, 2008
7 Random things: Tag Your it!
The rules are:A) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
B) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
C) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs
Here I go: (it's pretty sad to think I had a really hard time with this...hmmm...)
1. I am absolutely ridiculous about lateness and being on time, in that I hate when people are late, and I love when people are on time or well , early because as they say “If you are on time you are already late”. However, only my boyfriend hears about it when he is late, however I do suspect my friends know…
2. I love spicy food!! I have a horrible sense of smell. I'm not sure if it is allergy related or what, but 2/3's of the year I cannot smell anything. Then like a few weeks a year it comes back and I can smell EVERYTHING and it is soooo STRONG...But since I can't smell anything, i love strong tasting food. Spicy Food is my favorite, Sour Candy, Stinky Cheese...basically the stronger the taste, the more I like it!
3. I remember elementary school like it was yesterday. I barely remember high school…and none of that is drug related. I was just super popular, cool and awesome until 7th grade until we all became gawky middle and high schoolers. Like, just to start off my awesomeness, I got married in Kindergarten. Like I had a full on wedding, I had to stealthily steal this white frilly dress I had (so my mom wouldn’t find out) and I had bridesmaids and everything, and my lunch aide married us in the middle of the hall during lunch time and I kissed the boy on the lips! I guess that was my first kiss!! HAHAH!! Never thought about it that way.
4. I spill everything. I cannot make it through the day without spilling something on myself. It is to the point where sometimes if I don’t do laundry I have to go to work with a coffee stain from like the week before and I just play it off like “Oh NO, look what happened this morning on my way to work”…Yah, I’ve done that.
5. I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years between the ages of 2-5. My parents favorite memory, was the time I was cast the role of baby Jesus in my pre-school Christmas play because I was the only white girl, and unbeknownst to everyone else, I was also the only Jew.
6. I have a stuffed Moose named Moosey, which I have had since I was born. He has antlers, and this big nose, and is awesome, and has been traveling all over the world with me, even to India (but I washed him after…J) and I also took him to college. When I need a hug Moosey gives the best hugs…he has always been my best boyfriend J
7. My boyfriend decided last night that he wants to quit his job, quit grad school and travel around the world in May. He has also decided I should too…While the best thing should probably be to convince him that he needs to stick things out for a while longer…I think I want to do it!! Let you know what happens!! I love spontaneous trips!!! I can't turn them down....
I am tagging:
-Emily over at Sea Legs
- Amanda's Tales (That's if she gets time)
- Because it's Better Out than In
- Jamie over at
- The True Tales of a Cafferine Addict at
- And Elisa over at
(Sorry Guys, not quite sure how you get them to be just the name wiht a link to it...)
So: I dont think I will have time for another post today but things are getting really crazy with the last comment above. I have wine meeting tonight with the GM of the CRAZY FANCY restaurant and lunch with the event planner...Let you know how that goes...but if I am quiting my job and traveling around the world then what...all this work? Is it for nothing?