Friday, March 7, 2008

When I say Sake, you say BOMB!

Good Morning!! I apologize for the lack for blogging I have been doing lately! I love all the comments I have been getting and I wish I could have been updating more lately. As you all know, I have been going through a personal mini crisis with my job and basically what to do in my life.
So here’s a little recap:
Everything started when the hotel I was working for was bought. As a reminder I worked for 2 hotels, and only 1 of them was bought. This brought a lot of inner turmoil among all employees. Our little family was being torn apart and these big scary new people were coming into rule over us….It was awful to say the least, there was a lot of crying, mental breakdowns over my demotion to Secretary (unofficial but accurate). There also was a denial of the promotion I have been going to work each day for. The hope that all my hard work had been noticed and I would soon be an employee in the restaurant in the hotel, my one and only reason for staying with one hotel over the other. In the words of the GM, “I don’t see why the restaurant needs you, and unless the position is 90% admin work, I wont approve such a promotion because it isn’t necessary.” With that one little sentences, caviar and champagne dreams floated themselves out the window. That disappointment lead to multiple other changes, all leading up to: I HAVE OFFICIALLY PUT IN MY TWO WEEKS!! I DID IT LAST FRIDAY!!

So I know enquiring minds want to know, what has this 23 year old Food and Beverage extraordinaire decided to persue? (I might be using the word extraordinaire rather loosely considering it has been over a year and I still can’t pronounce the word “Sommelier”- which for those of you don’t know means “Wine Guy”) I was hired by the restaurant, not in my dream position (but then again who actually gets their dream position at 23?) but doing something rather less glamorous. I will be working at the other restaurant owned by the same Chef, which was just voted number 10 best new innovative restaurants in the country by New York Times. I will be doing data entry…that’s right, data entry… and if I am lucky I will get to still help with any big events that the restaurant at the hotel does, and I will still get to learn about the restaurant industry. As much as that sounds boring, and awful, and may I say BORING again…there are a few upsides to the position. I won’t just be doing any data entry, I will be inputting the ALL IMPORTANT AND SECRETIVE Recipes into the new computer system. I will also become GURU to said computer system and be working with the Exec Chef to teach him and all other Managers how to use it. Other upsides include: Working directly with the Exec chef, who I have been told by numerous people that if I love the Exec Chef at the Hotel Restaurant (WHICH I DO DODODODODODO!!! I have written about him previously, just think “Sexy, French Accent who Yells at me all the time, but I don’t care because his sexy mouth can say anything he wants to me because I pretty much don’t understand anything he says anyways”) I AM GOING TO LOVE THE EXEC CHEF AT NEW RESTAURANT. Apparently, he is French (God yes!) his accent is thicker (Even BETTER) and he doesn’t yell as much (hm, I don’t care really, it is kinda hot when French men get all hot and bothered over fruit salads and the perfect consommé ).

So I will be starting forth in this new endeavor in about two weeks. I of course, will keep updates on my progress. And let you know how truly hot the new chef is (Ten can’t be too jealous, I really only like them for their accents).

In other news, Ten’s birthday just passed!! It was really wonderful! He is 24! AWW!! That sounds soo old, I know we are young but still. It sounds older!
Due to my lack of funds, I decided to throw Ten a birthday party at my apartment, not just any birthday party but a SAKE BOMB party!!
I invited all his friends over, brewed SAKE (well, not technically brewed it myself but I did heat it up because that is the best way to drink Sake) and made everyone bring over tons and tons of Saporro!! I also cooked Edamame because Sake isn’t anything without Edamame with it.
It was a lot of fun! In case you don’t know what Sake Bombs are, it is when you take a shot of hot Sake, balance it on two chopsticks over a glass of beer. Everyone proceeds to chant, our versions included, “Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake, Sake BOMB!” or “When I say Sake you say bomb, Sake, Bomb, Sake, BOMB!” or we even sang happy birthday to Ten and ended it with a BOMB! And when you say BOMB you slam your hands on the table and the shot glass falls in, and you must drink the whole glass, SAKE and Beer as fast as you can.
It is great fun, however, 6 Sake Bombs, and 2 shots later, I might have had a little too much to drink (especially for the 98 pounds of me). I don’t remember the end of the night…I was told that I put on pajamas and then started doing a crazy crab walk (which in my hazy state I slightly remember doing that, but I think I was actually trying to do the dance that Cameron Diaz does at the top of the Hill in the beginning of the movie, “The Sweetest Thing”. What? Don’t remember that move? Not surprised, but apparently it had a big impact on me.
Flashforward: 6am in the morning, I wake up freezing on the 2-seater in my living room, clutching a velvet pillow for warmth…that’s odd considering I went to sleep in my own bed, or so I remember…
Flashforward: 9 am, the marathon throwing up begins. I not only throw up every 10 mins, I throw up every ounce of water, tiny bites of bread I tried to force down, and basically was reduced to dry heaving and standing Butt straight up in the air, head forced down to the toilet to get anything else possible out of my system because my stomach decided it still wasn’t done. Highlight of my morning was when Ten was using the bathroom for the 2 secs he needed to pee, and of course my stomach decides, “Hey you, bonehead, I need to throw up…” FUCK, (excuse my language) I go running down the hall searching for somewhere to throw up.. sink is filled with dishes, trash is overflowing with beer bottles, cups, and food, my trashcan from the night before is filled with Ten’s puke (he also did not make it through the night with projectile heaving), so I frantically grab a plastic bag from the storage closet, place it over the recycling bin in case of holes in the bottom, and proceed to throw up, in a plastic bag, over 5 tons of used beer bottles in the storage closet. Ten, must have heard the frantic commotion I made because he came out, and was like "are you ok," I am heaving up whatever is left in my stomach as I am waving my arms at him to “GET THE F- OUT!!! YOU CANT SEE ME LIKE THIS!!”

Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day in bed, I didn’t stop throwing up till 3pm, where I finally found a spot on my bed where I finally felt slightly less sick, and proceed to stay in that position, refusing to move no matter the pins and needles of the weird neck position and leg position I was in, and slept till 6 pm. I woke up and proceed to have a few teaspoons of soup which stayed down and back to sleep around 9pm for another work day…


Anonymous said...

congrats on the new job!!!!

emily said...

Sorry about the hangover...I wish I could have been there for the sake bombs :-(

I know what restaurant you are going to work at and I LOVE it! I hope you are still there in June so I can come bug you and get good seating!

Glad you are back :-)